(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Fortnightly Magazine - November 2023 (Issue - 2)

(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Fortnightly Magazine - November 2023 (Issue - 2)

Month: November 2023

Issue: 2nd

File Type: PDF

File Size: 8.52 MB

Publisher : Dhyeya IAS

Note : Perfect - 7 magazine will now be published twice a month.

:: Table of Contents ::

  • Changing Diplomatic Relations Between India & Gulf Countries
  • Terrorism: Need of a Universal Definition & Role of CCIT
  • Road Accidents in India: Current Situation & Its Solution
  • Deep Ocean Mission: Expansion of India’s Maritime Capabilities
  • India’s Leadership Role in Global Disaster Management
  • Electoral Bond: Electoral Fairness Vs Right to Information
  • India Raising Its Voice for Reforms in World Trade Organization

National Issue:

  • Ruling On Use of Donor Gametes Through Surrogacy
  • New Guidelines for Appointment of Director General of Police
  • Stop Film Piracy
  • Changes in Provision of leave for women soldiers
  • Ethics Committee
  • Annual Survey of India’s City- Systems (ASICS) 2023
  • Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing

International Issue:

  • Akhaura-Agartala Rail Link
  • SCO Council Meeting in Bishkek
  • Afghan Migrants Forced to Leave Pakistan
  • India-UAE Relationship
  • Prisoner’s Dilemma In International Relations
  • Chanakya Defense Dialogue 2023
  • Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) Initiative

Environment Issue:

  • Interconnected Disaster Risk Report 2023
  • Renewable Energy to Limit Global Warming
  • Global Declaration for River Dolphins
  • Adaptation Gap Report 2023
  • Economic Impact of Air Pollution
  • Climate Disaster Fund
  • 2023 Production Gap Report

Science & Tech Issue:

  • Link Between Air Pollution & Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cloud Seeding
  • Hemoglobin in Human Body
  • World’s First Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence
  • CO2 to CO Conversion Technology
  • Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori)
  • Tuberculosis in India

Economic Issue:

  • India: A $30 Trillion Economy by 2047
  • Women’s Participation in India’s Workforce
  • IMF Keeps Global Growth Rate at 2.9% for 2024
  • State Food Safety Index (SFSI) 2023
  • Direct Listing on Foreign Exchanges
  • CCI Market Study on Cement Sector
  • Surveys for Monetary Policy Insights


  • Kozhikode: City of Literature
  • Pichhwai Art Exhibition : Chennai
  • Mizoram: Highest Cancer Rate in India
  • Interpretation of Domestic Violence Act
  • Remnants of a massive ancient collision exist in the Earth’s deep interior
  • Personal Data of 815 Million Indians Breached
  • Advocate -on - Record (AoR) System

Brain Boosters:

  • Train Collision Avoidance System
  • Monkeypox
  • Green Buildings
  • Constitution Day
  • Biosphere Reserve
  • India’s Aviation Industry
  • Circular Economy Concept

Important Fact Based News:

  • ATL Marathon 2023-24
  • British Academy Book Prize 2023
  • Philippines Quits BRI
  • Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project
  • GST Waiver Scheme
  • Rajyotsava Awards 2023
  • Sixth Driest October in Southern Peninsular India
  • Eight Cape Town Beaches Awarded Blue Flags
  • ATMAN by IIT Kanpur
  • Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department Pavilion
  • IIT Madras sets up First International Campus in Zanzibar, Tanzania
  • Indian Navy Sailing Championships (INSC) 2023
  • New Island in Japan

Place in News:

  • Kalgoorlie (Australia)
  • Seattle
  • Galápagos Islands
  • Iceland
  • Tuvalu

Important MCQs for Prelims Exam

Environment & Ecology Part-I

  • Climate Change
  • Pollution
  • Geography
  • Act and Regulation

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