(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - March 2020 (Issue - 2)

(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - March 2020 (Issue - 2)

(Download) Dhyeya IAS Perfect - 7 Weekly Magazine - March 2020 (Issue - 2)

Month: March 2020

Issue: 2nd

Price: FREE!

File Type: PDF

File Size: 3.38 MB

Publisher : Dhyeya IAS

:: Table of Contents ::

Seven Important Issues:

  1. Coronavirus : A Global Menace
  2. Community Radio : Empowering Local Communities
  3. A Future for the World's Children? : An Overview
  4. The Status of Urban Infrastructure in India : An Analysis
  5. India - US Relations : Setting Up of a New Normal
  6. 13th COP of the CMS : An Overview
  7. Carbon Footprint and Its Impact on Environment

Seven Important National & International News

Seven MCQ's with Explanatory Answers (Based on Brain Boosters)

Seven Important Facts For Prelims

Seven Important Highlights From PIB

Seven Important Concepts Through Graphics

Seven Practice Questions for Mains Exam

Seven Important Concepts through Graphics

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