Info-pedia : White Phosphorus

Info-pedia :  White Phosphorus


Human Rights Watch (HRW) says the Israeli military recently used white phosphorus munitions in Lebanon and Gaza.

White phosphorus munitions can be deployed via artillery shells, bombs, rockets, or grenades. This substance is either colorless, white, or yellow and emits an odor reminiscent of garlic.

White Phosphorus in Warfare

  • Use: White phosphorus is not banned but is not categorized as an incendiary weapon. It is considered a multipurpose munition, primarily used as a smokescreen, signal, or for target illumination.
  • Accusations: Israel has faced accusations of using white phosphorus in Gaza, notably during Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009.

Characteristics of White Phosphorus

  • Temperature: Burns at over 800°C (1,500°F), melting metal.
  • Applications: Used to create smokescreens due to fast-spreading fires and thick smoke production lasting around seven minutes.
  • Health Impact: Highly toxic; can cause severe burns penetrating to the bone. Absorption can lead to organ dysfunction (liver, kidneys, heart).