Info-Pedia - Understanding the Lewis Model

Info-Pedia - Understanding the Lewis Model

Context -

The Lewis Model, which expected more farm workers to move to factories, didn't happen in India as predicted.

The Lewis Model:

  • Developed by economist William Arthur Lewis.
  • Developed by economist William Arthur Lewis.

Why It Works in China:

  • Successful absorption of rural labor in the industrial sector.
  • China transformed into the "world's factory."

Challenges in India:

  • Differences in industrialization and technology.
  • Capital-intensive manufacturing limits labor absorption.
  • Disguised unemployment in agriculture complicates transitions.

Niti Aayog's Approach:

  • Exploring new models for job creation.
  • Focus on value addition and agribusiness.
  • Emphasizing bio-fuels, bio-based products, and sustainable agriculture for employment generation.