Info-paedia : Urea Gold

Info-paedia : Urea Gold


Urea Gold represents a novel iteration of urea enriched with sulfur, introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the region of Sikar, Rajasthan.

About Urea:

Urea fertilizer, containing 40% nitrogen, primarily serves the role of supplying plants with nitrogen to encourage lush foliage development and support the photosynthesis process. Due to its nitrogen-focused composition, it is primarily employed to enhance flowering and vegetative growth in plants.


  • Its purpose is to tackle sulfur deficiencies within the soil, ultimately aiding farmers in boosting agricultural output and productivity.

Urea Gold is reported to outperform traditional urea types, including Neem-coated urea, for several reasons:

  • Prolonged Nutrient Release: Sulphur-coated urea enables a gradual nitrogen release, enhancing its accessibility and uptake by crops.
  • Extended Fertilizer Lifespan: Urea Gold's incorporation of humic acid further extends its effectiveness as a fertilizer.
  • Reduced Fertilizer Usage: According to the findings, 15 kg of Urea Gold delivers comparable benefits to 20 kg of regular urea, making it a more efficient and economical choice for farmers.