Info-paedia : Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme

Info-paedia : Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme

Key Features:

  • Incentives for incremental sales from products made in India
  • Encourage local companies to expand and attract foreign companies
  • Focus on labor-intensive sectors to generate jobs

Sectors Under PLI Scheme:

  1. Mobile Manufacturing and Specified Electronic Components
  2. Critical Key Starting materials/Drug Intermediaries & Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
  3. Manufacturing of Medical Devices
  4. Automobiles and Auto Components
  5. Pharmaceuticals Drugs
  6. Specialty Steel
  7. Telecom & Networking Products
  8. Electronic/Technology Products
  9. White Goods (ACs and LEDs)
  10. Food Products
  11. Textile Products: MMF segment and technical textiles
  12. High-efficiency solar PV modules
  13. Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery
  14. Drones and Drone Components


  • 4% to 6% incentive on incremental sales over base year
  • Eligible companies for five years


  • Dependent on overall output
  • Increased accessibility
  • Support for anchor investors
  • Assistance with land acquisition, tax rebates, and import/export duties


  • Limited sectors meeting targets in the first year
  • Lack of common parameters for assessing value added
  • Need for more incentives to compete with other countries
  • Lack of centralized database for monitoring progress.