Info-paedia : National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)

Info-paedia : National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)

The National Agriculture Market is a pan-India electronic trading portal.

More than 1200 APMCS selected by states are linked to the portal, creating a unified national market for agriculture commodities.

The Centre has provided the software free of cost to states and granted up to Rs 30 lakh per mandi/ market as a one-time measure for related equipment and infrastructure requirements.

States to Fulfill Following Criteria to Receive Assistance

  • Make single license to be valid across the state
  • Enforce a single point levy of market fee
  • Provision for electronic auction as a mode for price discovery

Benefits of NAM

  • FOR FARMER: NAM promises more options for sale. It would increase his access to markets through ware house-based sales and thus eliminates the need to transport his produce to the mandi.
  • FOR TRADER: NAM offers the opportunity to access a larger national market for secondary trading.
  • FOR BULK BUYERS, EXPORTERS: Benefit from being able to participate directly in trading at the local mandi/market level through the NAM platform, thereby reducing their intermediation costs.