Info-paedia : Gravitational Waves

Info-paedia : Gravitational Waves


  • Astronomers confirm existence of gravitational waves through pulsar observations.

Nature and Origin

  • Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time from energetic cosmic events.
  • Predicted by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (1916).

Production of Gravitational Waves

  • Cataclysmic Events: Colliding black holes, supernovae, and neutron star collisions.
  • Neutron Star Rotation: Non-spherical neutron stars and potential Big Bang remnants.

Challenges in Detection

  • Weak interaction with matter makes gravitational waves hard to detect.
  • Initial detection in 2015 by LIGO experiment with laser interferometers.

Detection Process

  • Sensitive interferometers (e.g., LIGO) measure space-time disturbances.
  • Gravitational waves cause minuscule changes in interferometer readings.

GMRT's Role

  • India's GMRT(Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ) contributes to vital observations supporting gravitational wave evidence.
  • Collaborative effort of global observatories strengthens findings.


  • Confirmation of gravitational waves validates Einstein's theory and enhances cosmic understanding.
  • Opens new avenues to explore the Universe through gravitational wave astronomy.