Info-paedia : Exploration of the Moon: Pioneering Lunar Missions and Ongoing Endeavors

Exploration of the Moon: Pioneering Lunar Missions and Ongoing Endeavors

1. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | 2009

  • In 2009, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was launched with the goal of creating a comprehensive 3D map of the moon's surface. Its mission included identifying potential landing sites crucial for both robotic and human missions. Over time, its mission scope expanded to focus on the polar region, known to harbor water resources. A significant observation was the movement of water molecules around the dayside of the moon.

2. Yutu-2 Rover | 2018

  • The China National Space Administration introduced the Yutu-2 rover in 2018, marking the first successful soft landing on the far side of the moon. A groundbreaking achievement, the rover ventured into the Von Kármán crater in 2019 to investigate the early solar system and Earth's origins. Notably, it unveiled the distinct characteristics of the soil on the far side, which is both stickier and less rocky compared to the near side.

3. Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter | 2019

  • In 2019, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Chandrayaan-2, a mission comprising an orbiter, lander, and rover. While the lander's soft landing attempt faced setbacks, the orbiter persevered, actively mapping lunar topography, studying mineral composition, investigating the lunar exosphere, and seeking indicators of water ice presence.

4. Chang'e 5 Orbiter | 2020

  • China's Chang'e 5 mission took off in March 2020, employing a multi-module approach with an orbiter, lander, ascender, and 'returner'. The mission's accomplishment lay in successfully collecting and returning approximately 2 kg of lunar samples, a feat achieved in December 2020. The orbiter later embarked on a journey toward the Sun-Earth Lagrange point L1 for solar observations.

5. Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter | 2022

  • South Korea entered lunar exploration by launching its first orbiter in August 2022. Tasked with studying the moon's surface, the orbiter gathers data to inform future missions, particularly focusing on the polar region. It aims to uncover evidence of ice deposits, monitor seasonal variations, and assess crater terrains.

6. Capstone Orbiter | 2022

  • NASA's Capstone, a satellite comparable in size to a microwave, initiated a new chapter in lunar exploration in 2022. Its maiden voyage aimed to test an elliptical lunar orbit called the near rectilinear halo orbit. Beyond this, Capstone aspires to showcase spacecraft-to-spacecraft navigation services, offering potential stability to long-term projects like Gateway under NASA's Artemis program.

Chandrayaan – 3 | 2023

  • Chandrayaan-3 is the third, most recent and successful Indian lunar exploration mission under the Chandrayaan programme by ISRO. It consists of a lander named Vikram and a rover named Pragyan similar to those of the Chandrayaan-2.