Wrestling Federation of India Elections: Erosion of Trust and Impact on Women : Daily News Analysis

Date : 26/12/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 1 - Society - Issues related to Women (Also relevant for GS Paper 2- Social Justice)

Keywords: Wrestling Federation of India (WFI), Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, Implementation of the Sexual Harassment Electronic Box (SHe-Box), Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs)


The recently concluded Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) elections on December 21 have sparked a tumultuous series of events, leading to the suspension of the newly-elected body by the Sports Ministry. This turn of events has far-reaching consequences, particularly concerning the safety of women in sports, and demands a closer examination.

The Controversial Election Results and Olympians' Outrage:

  • The elections resulted in the formation of an all-male, 15-member body, with 13 members closely aligned with former president Brij Bhushan Singh. The shocking behavior exhibited by the winning panel, especially in the photographs featuring Brij Bhushan surrounded by his supporters, triggered a wave of discontent among wrestlers who had previously fought against him.
  • Olympian Sakshi Malik's emotional retirement announcement and the symbolic gesture of placing her shoes on the table highlighted the deep disappointment among athletes. Bajrang Punia's decision to return his Padma Shri, along with a strongly worded letter expressing his disgust, echoed the sentiment of betrayal. Virender Singh, a three-time Deaflympics gold medalist, surrendered his Padma Shri in solidarity, emphasizing the widespread disillusionment.
  • The agitation by wrestlers at Jantar Mantar, demanding action against Brij Bhushan for cases of sexual abuse, garnered national attention. The Union Sports Ministry, in an attempt to suppress the protest, assured the wrestlers of filing a chargesheet against Brij Bhushan and preventing his close aides from capturing the WFI in the elections. However, both promises were allegedly not fulfilled, leading to a sense of betrayal among the athletes.
  • Allegations surfaced that Brij Bhushan had the opportunity to influence one of the minor complainants into withdrawing her accusation, potentially evading arrest under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The failure to keep him from interfering with legal proceedings has added to the frustration of those seeking justice.

Preventive Measures for Addressing Sexual Harassment Include:

  • The 2013 Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act.
  • The Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013.
  • Implementation of the Sexual Harassment Electronic Box (SHe-Box).
  • Oversight and intervention by the National Commission for Women (NCW).
  • The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act of 2012.

Impact on Women in Sports and Public Trust:

Beyond the political and administrative turmoil, the erosion of public trust, especially concerning the safety of women in sports, remains a pressing concern. The events of recent months have not only affected wrestlers, sports lovers, and justice seekers but have dealt a significant blow to parents who had been encouraging their daughters to pursue sports as a profession. Sportswomen encounter various other challenges that hinder their progress and equal participation in the sports arena:

  • Funding Disparity: Sportswomen struggle with unequal funding compared to male athletes, impacting their ability to compete and sustain consistent programs.
  • Buoyant Sexism: Women contend with pervasive sexism in both professional and personal spheres, facing judgment based on appearance and speech.
  • Gender Disparity: Despite ongoing advocacy for gender equality, female athletes in the sports industry still grapple with a lack of respect and recognition compared to their male counterparts.
  • Limited Access and Higher Costs: Insufficient physical education in schools, coupled with limited opportunities for girls to engage in sports, forces them to seek alternatives, often at a higher cost. Inadequate local facilities further restrict their participation.
  • Safety and Transportation Challenges: Access to sports facilities may require navigating unsafe neighborhoods, especially for girls in urban areas. Lack of transportation options can hinder their ability to reach distant facilities.
  • Social Attitudes and Discrimination: Female athletes face discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, leading to bullying, social isolation, and negative evaluations. This contributes to a higher dropout rate, particularly during adolescence.
  • Inferior Training Opportunities: Girls often encounter subpar facilities and less-than-optimal playing times. Limited availability of quality coaches and inadequate funding for equipment and uniforms contribute to a diminished sporting experience.
  • Lack of Positive Role Models: The absence of strong, confident female athletic role models hampers girls' motivation to participate in sports, especially when societal pressures emphasize external beauty over athleticism.
  • Limited Media Coverage: Women's sports receive inadequate representation in the media, impeding female athletes' chances of gaining recognition and sponsorship opportunities.
  • Pregnancy and Maternity Challenges: Balancing motherhood with sports careers poses a significant challenge for female athletes, impacting their training and competitive opportunities.

The Need for Comprehensive Transformation:

The mere suspension of the elected body is insufficient to restore eroded public trust. A comprehensive and in-depth examination of the ongoing tussle is necessary, with a focus on implementing drastic steps for the thorough and total transformation of all sports federations. A separate sports policy is essential, emphasizing the inclusion of women in sports and maintaining the encouraging trend seen in recent decades.

Calls for Systemic Change:

  • The need for broad-based campaigns involving all stakeholders, including women's organizations, farmers' unions, and social outfits, is imperative to make sports establishments truly inclusive, democratic, transparent, and accountable. The spirit and strength displayed by wrestlers' agitation at Jantar Mantar must be consolidated and expanded to ensure lasting systemic change.
  • Supreme Court judge Justice Hima Kohli emphasized the urgent need for a robust mechanism addressing gender-based misconduct in sports. Speaking at a national seminar on "women empowerment through sports" at Delhi University, Justice Kohli advocated for the establishment of helplines, independent statutory committees for investigations, and stringent penalties for offenders. She highlighted the lack of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) in many national sports federations,

Way Forward

  • Historically, women's involvement in sports in India has been minimal, primarily influenced by cultural and societal norms. However, recent initiatives aim to change this landscape by implementing policies that boost funding and resources for female athletes. Additionally, programs have been established to foster early engagement of girls in sports.
  • Despite these positive strides, achieving gender parity in sports participation and representation in India remains a formidable challenge. The sports sector in the country is undergoing developmental phases, and a comprehensive strategy is essential to expedite progress. This entails focusing on infrastructure development, identifying sporting talents, hosting regular sports events, and raising awareness at the grassroots level. A holistic approach is crucial for accelerating the growth of sports in India.


The Wrestling Federation of India elections and the subsequent suspension of the newly-elected body have brought to light not only political machinations but also deeper issues related to the safety of women in sports. The call for sweeping change and comprehensive transformation is resonating across various segments of society. As the situation unfolds, it is crucial to closely follow developments and keep the pressure on to ensure that justice is served and the integrity of sports governance is restored.

Probable Questions for UPSC mains Exam-

  1. Analyze the recent Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) election controversies and their implications on women's safety in sports. Evaluate the effectiveness of existing legal frameworks like the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act in addressing such issues. (10 marks, 150 Words)
  2. Examine the influence of the WFI election on public trust, specifically regarding the safety of women in sports. Assess the legal and organizational preventive measures that can be implemented to ensure a secure and inclusive environment for female athletes. (15 marks, 250 Words)

Source- Indian Express