What are MANPADS that the West is Sending Ukraine : Daily Current Affairs

Relevance: GS-3 : Awareness In The Fields Of It, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-Technology, Bio-Technology, Pharma Sector & Health Science

Key Phrases: MANPADS, Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems, Fire and Forget System, Russia- Ukraine War, Features of MANPADS, Concerns around MANPADS,

Why in News?

  •  Recently, the USA approved a $200-million arms package for Ukraine, which would include US-made Stinger Missiles, which are a type of shoulder-fired Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS).

Key Highlights

  • In the first week of March itself, more than 17,000 anti-tank weapons and 2,000 Stinger missiles had been sent by the US and NATO.
  • Analysts have said anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles have been effective in countering Russian military advances in the air and on the ground.


  • Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems are short-range, lightweight and portable surface-to-air missiles.
  • Features
    • It can be fired by individuals or small groups to destroy aircraft or helicopters.
    • They help shield troops from aerial attacks and are most effective in targeting low-flying aircrafts.
    • MANPADS can be shoulder-fired, launched from atop a ground-vehicle, fired from a tripod or stand, and from a helicopter or boat.
    • The missiles are fitted with Infrared (IR) seekers that identify and target the airborne vehicle through heat radiation being emitted by the latter.
  • Range
    • MANPADS have a maximum range of 8 kilometers and can engage targets at altitudes of 4.5 km.
  • Based on Fire and Forget System (Passive Guidance System)
    • Most MANPADS have passive or ‘fire and forget’ guidance systems.
    • It means the operator is not required to guide the missile to its target, enabling them to run and relocate immediately after firing.
    • The missile stays locked-on to the targeted object, not requiring active guidance from the soldier.
    • MANPATs or Man-Portable Anti-Tank Systems work in a similar manner but are used to destroy or incapacitate military tanks.
  • MANPADs with Active Guidance Systems
    • These MANPADS also exist but are less common.
    • These require the operator to guide the missile till it hits the target.
    • They depend on a beam-riding-configuration, wherein the operator paints the target vehicle with a laser beam and keeps the beam on it till the missile hits.
    • MANPADs with such systems are more difficult to operate and may require a crew.

Common Variants of MANPADs

  • U.S.-Made Stinger Missiles
    • These weigh about 15 kg, have a range of 4,800 meters or 4.8 km, and can engage low-flying aircrafts at an altitude of 3,800 meters.
    • They have a passive guidance system, which uses infrared technology.
    • Stringers have been sent or are currently being sent to Ukraine by the US, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark.
  • Igla MANPADS
    • These are Soviet-made counterparts.
    • It also employs Infrared technology.
    • They were used in Iraq when it was invaded by the U.S. in 2003.
    • They have also been used by India, for instance, as part of the Operation Trishul Shakti of 1992, during the Siachen conflict.
  • Starstreak
    • It is the British army’s equivalent of the Stinger missiles.
    • Starstreak MANPADs have an active guidance system which uses a laser beam and needs the operator till the missile hits.
    • They offer a longer range (7 km) as compared to Stingers and are high-velocity systems.
    • U.K. is formulating a plan to provide Ukraine with a shipment of Starstreaks.

Uses of MANPADS in the Past

  • The first MANPADS were introduced by the United States and Soviet Union in the 1960s.
  • Russian and U.S. MANPADS were also used during the Vietnam war.
  • The U.S. supplied MANPADS to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 1980s, which the latter used against the Soviet forces.
  • Countries such as India, Pakistan, Germany, U.K Turkey and Israel have also used MANPADS in their defense efforts.
  • Over time, non-state actors such as rebel and terrorist groups have also illicitly acquired MANPADS, using them during civil wars and other high-intensity conflicts.
  • MANPADs have been used in the Syrian war and in Libya.
  • Non-state groups in African countries like Sudan, South Sudan, Angola, Somalia and Congo have also acquired and used MANPADs.
  • Russia is by far the biggest exporter of MANPADs, having sold over 10,000 such systems between 2010 and 2018 to various countries including Iraq, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, and Libya.

Concerns around MANPADS

  • Risk of Smuggling
    • After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, weapons supplied by other countries to aid Ukraine ended up in the wrong hands in multiple cases.
    • Reports indicate that weapons in the state arsenal were illicitly acquired and smuggled by criminal and non-state rebel groups.
  • May Give a Boost to Criminal Activities
    • Cities in Ukraine such as Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Kyiv are significant logistical centers for criminal networks.
  • Illegal Weapon Trade
    • The Small Arms Survey of 2017 pointed out that Ukraine has 1.2 million legal firearms and around 4 million illegal weapons, a lot of them fully-automatic military weapons.
    • Thus, observers fear that sending lightweight ground-based MANPADS to Ukraine may contribute to intensifying the network of illegal weapon trade.
  • Possession of the Weapon by Non-State Armed Groups
    • In other conflict-hit states as well, there is widespread evidence of MANPADS ending up with non-state and terrorist groups; the most prominent cases being Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.
  • Attack on Civilians
    • Another concern around MANPADS is civilian attacks.
    • According to the 2019 study mentioned above, more than 60 civilian aircraft have been hit by MANPADS since the 1970s, claiming the lives of more than 1,000 civilians.
    • MANPADS threats to civilian aircraft are extreme and are taken very seriously by pilots, airlines and civil aviation authorities.


  • Ukraine already has its squadron of aircrafts and sending MANPADs would be more effective in shielding from air strikes by the “formidable” Russian army.
  • The best way to deal with the MANPADS concerns is to work through legislation and diplomatic channels.
  • MANPADS technology is complex, and regulating the trade in components, as well as in the missile systems themselves offers a chance to reduce the threat worldwide.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:

Q. Explain the features of the anti-aircraft missiles MANPADS that the US and NATO are providing to Ukraine. When have these been used in the past and what are the concerns around them?