Two New Countries Apply to Join BRICS : Daily Current Affairs

Group of emerging market economies known as BRICS has been centre of attraction in global and regional community for several specific reasons . Recently , Iran and Argentina submitted an application to become full member of BRICS.

This has been confirmed by an Iranian official few days back. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that , "Iran's membership in the BRICS group, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, "would result in added values for both sides.

Building Peace and Prosperity with Strong BRICS

While on behalf of Argentinian officials, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said separately that Argentina had also applied to join the group.

It should be noted here that Russia has long been pushing to forge closer ties with Asia, South America and the Middle East, but it has intensified its efforts recently to weather sanctions imposed by Europe, the United States and other countries over its invasion on Ukraine.