Transforming International Trade and Finance: The Rise of Local Currencies : Daily News Analysis

Date : 09/08/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 3 – Indian Economy – International Trade

Keywords – Currency settlement, European Union, Bilateral Agreements, Geo-economic Dynamics

Context –

In recent years, the remarkable appeal of India as a favored trading partner with a vast and dynamic market has become increasingly evident. This recognition was firmly solidified through a series of currency swap agreements involving 23 advanced and developing nations. These agreements effectively extended credit lines, setting the stage for seamless transaction settlements with India, marking a crucial milestone in the global economic landscape.

The Unforeseen Rise of the Indian Rupee in International Transactions

The geopolitical equilibrium underwent an unforeseen upheaval with the eruption of the Ukraine-Russia conflict in early 2022. The subsequent imposition of sanctions on Russia by the United States and the European Union reverberated across the globe, particularly impacting India and Russia - two nations deeply intertwined in a complex web of bilateral trade. Responding to this formidable challenge, an innovative and unconventional solution emerged: the integration of the Indian rupee as a conduit for transactions between these two nations.

Mechanics of Currency Settlement: A Paradigm Shift

In the wake of these tumultuous circumstances, a novel modus operandi was introduced for the purpose of facilitating payment settlements between India and Russia. Transactions were meticulously rerouted through strategically established Rupee Vostro accounts, overseen by authorized Indian dealer banks within the ambit of Russian financial institutions. This ingenious mechanism endowed Indian importers with the prerogative to settle their payment obligations in rupees through these specifically designated accounts, thus forging a robust and viable conduit for facilitating seamless trade-related transactions. Notably, even Indian exports directed towards Russia found their compensation channeled through the judicious utilization of rupees sourced from corresponding Vostro accounts.

Overcoming Currency Settlement Hurdles: Challenges and Solutions

However, despite its apparent efficacy, this pioneering arrangement encountered its fair share of challenges, primarily emanating from Russia's consistent and unyielding trade surplus. Russia's reluctance to amass significant quantities of Indian rupees within the Vostro accounts, driven by valid concerns surrounding the rupee's relatively low standing within the global currency hierarchy and its inherent susceptibility to depreciation, posed formidable obstacles to the sustained momentum of this agreement. With conventional global currencies such as the dollar and euro rendered unfeasible due to the web of sanctions, and the volatile nature of the ruble's exchange rate introducing an additional layer of unpredictability, ingenious alternatives emerged to tackle these dilemmas. Notably, certain payments entailing Russian oil imports found an expedient resolution through the strategic utilization of the Chinese yuan.

Historical Context: Drawing Parallels with Past Bilateral Agreements and their Inherent Challenges

The contemporary challenges borne out of this situation bear a distinct resonance with the historical bilateral trade and clearing arrangements set in motion by India during the 1950s, particularly in the context of its interactions with the Soviet Union. These pioneering frameworks ingeniously harnessed the intrinsic potency of the Indian rupee, endowing it with the pivotal role of serving as a facilitating conduit for expediting trade and credit-linked transactions. Yet, even these pioneering arrangements were not immune to the ebbs and flows of challenges, particularly as the Soviet Union began amassing consistent and consequential trade surpluses.

A New Dawn in Geo-economic Dynamics: The Broader Implications

At present, the geo-economic landscape is poised on the cusp of a transformative shift, as nations situated in the Southern hemisphere fervently aspire to facilitate trade and settlements without being shackled by dependence on the hegemonic currencies of their Northern hemisphere counterparts. The convergence of the Indian rupee, Russian ruble, Chinese yuan, UAE dirham, and Indonesian rupiah, attests to the shared and fervent aspiration of executing transactions in local currencies, thereby gradually diluting their reliance on the dominance of globally preeminent counterparts.

Regional Agreements and the Path Ahead: Paving the Way for Future Progression

Recent agreements consummated between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), coupled with the ongoing negotiations poised with Indonesia, lucidly underscore the momentum and traction underlying the concept of local currency transactions. The bilateral understanding brokered between India and the UAE is ambitiously all-encompassing in its scope, encompassing facets such as trade, remittances, and capital flows. Of particular significance is its pertinence to the substantial Indian expatriate community in the UAE, where streamlined remittance processes serve as a cornerstone. These strides and initiatives set forth a compelling precedent, foreshadowing the incremental transition toward a groundbreaking financial architecture that resolutely challenges the enduring hegemony maintained by Northern currencies and economies.


In summation, the unanticipated emergence of the Indian rupee as an instrument for international transactions, fuelled by the intricate dynamics of geopolitics, stands as a vivid testament to a paradigm shift of profound proportions. As nations ensconced in the Southern Hemisphere gather momentum in their resolve to facilitate trade and settlements orchestrated through their native currencies, an incipient financial framework is unmistakably taking root. While this landscape isn't devoid of potential challenges and disparities, the tenets of geo-economics and capitalism appear poised to be the vanguards of reshaping the global financial landscape, gradually and systematically chipping away at the bedrock of dependence on the established dominance wielded by Northern currencies. This embryonic and burgeoning landscape demands a vigilant and observant gaze, as it ushers in a new epoch that could potentially yield greater equity and resilience within the intricate tapestry of the global economic tableau. The heralding of this new era signals the prospect of fostering more robust and equitable foundations in the global financial narrative.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam –

  1. Explain the recent shift towards local currency transactions in international trade, citing the case of India using the rupee for settlements with Russia. Discuss how this trend challenges the dominance of global currencies and its potential impact on the global financial system. (10 Marks,150 words)
  2. Evaluate the challenges faced by India and Russia in adopting the Indian rupee for trade settlements during the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Compare these challenges with historical bilateral trade agreements. Suggest strategies to overcome such challenges for a more resilient international economic framework. (15 Marks, 250 words)

Source – The Hindu