The Status of India's National Cyber Security Strategy : Daily Current Affairs

Relevance: GS-3: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life, Awareness in the fields of IT.

Key Phrases: Ransomware, National Cyber Security Strategy, Integrated circuits, Digitisation Initiatives, SCADA, Internet of Things, Annual budget, Simulations, Payment flows.

Why in News?

  • Indian organisations witnessed a 218% increase in ransomware attacks in 2021, making the nation the tenth most targeted country globally and second after Australia in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Amid a surge in cyberattacks on India’s networks, Centre is yet to implement the National Cyber Security Strategy which has been in the works since 2020.

What is National Cyber Security Strategy?

  • The report focuses on 21 areas to ensure a safe, secure, trusted, resilient, and vibrant cyberspace for India. Here are the main sectors of focus of the report:
    1. Large scale digitisation of public services:
      • Focusing on security in the early stages of design in all digitisation initiatives, developing institutional capability for assessment, evaluation, certification, and rating of the core devices and timely reporting of vulnerabilities and incidents.
    2. Supply chain security:
      • Monitoring and mapping of the supply chain of the Integrated circuits (ICT) and electronics products, scaling up product testing and certification, leverage the country’s semiconductor design capabilities globally at strategic, tactical and technical level
    3. Digital payments:
      • Mapping and modeling of devices and platform deployed, supply chain, transacting entities, payment flows, interfaces and data exchange, routine threat modeling exercises to disclose vulnerabilities, threat research and sharing of threat intelligence, timely disclosure of vulnerabilities.
    4. State-level cyber security:
      • Developing state-level cybersecurity policies, allocation of dedicated funds, critical scrutiny of digitization plans, guidelines for security architecture, operations, and governance.
    5. Security of small and medium businesses:
      • Policy intervention in cybersecurity granting incentives for higher level of cybersecurity preparedness, developing security standards, frameworks, and architectures for the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and industrialization.

What Steps Does the Report Suggest?

  • To implement cybersecurity in the above-listed focus areas, the report lists the following recommendations:
    1. Budgetary provisions:
      • A minimum allocation of 0.25% of the annual budget, which can be raised upto 1% has been recommended to be set aside for cyber security.
      • In terms of separate ministries and agencies, 15-20% of the IT/technology expenditure should be earmarked for cybersecurity.
      • The report also suggests setting up a Fund of Funds for cybersecurity and provide Central funding to States to build capabilities in the same field.
      • While managing security of data, it is recommended to adhere to practices based on discovery, visibility and risks of critical information.
    2. Research, innovation, skill-building and technology development:
      • The report suggests investing in modernisation and digitisation of Integrated Circuits (ICT), set up a short and long term agenda for cyber security via outcome-based programs and provide investments deep-tech cyber security innovation.
      • In a bid to attract experts to work on cybersecurity, it is recommended to host hackathons, hands-on workshops, simulations on security on both national and state levels.
      • Furthermore, a national framework should be set in collaboration with institutions like National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and ISEA (Information Security Education and Awareness) to provide global professional certifications in security.
      • DSCI further recommends creating a 'cyber security services’ with cadres chosen from the Indian Engineering Services.
    3. Crisis management:
      • For adequate preparation to handle crisis, DSCI recommends holding cybersecurity drills which include real-life scenarios with their ramifications.
      • In critical sectors, simulation exercises for cross-border scenarios must be held on an inter-country basis.
      • To identify possible weakness and exploitations in systems, DSCI recommend sharing of threat information between government departments.
    4. Cyber insurance:
      • Cyber insurance being a yet to be researched field, must have an actuarial science to address cybersecurity risks in business and technology scenarios as well as calculate threat exposures.
      • DSCI recommends developing cyber insurance products for critical information infrastructure and quantify the risks involving them.
    5. Cyber diplomacy:
      • Cyber diplomacy plays a huge role in shaping India’s global relations. Hence cyber security preparedness of key regional blocks like BIMSTEC and SCO must be ensured via programs, exchanges and industrial support.
      • To further better diplomacy, the government should promote brand India as a responsible player in cyber security and also create ‘Cyber envoys’ for the key countries/regions, suggests DSCI.
      • For a robust internet infrastructure, DSCI suggests keeping critical infrastructure, root server of programs controlling and governing India, inside India.
    6. Cybercrime investigation:
      • With the increase in cybercrime across the world, the report recommends unburdening the judicial system by creating laws to resolve spamming and fake news.
      • It also suggest charting a 5-year roadmap factoring possible technology transformation, setting up exclusive courts to deal with cybercrimes and remove backlog of cybercrimes by increasing centres providing opinion related to digital evidence under section 79A of IT act.
      • Moreover, DSCI suggests advanced forensic training for agencies to keep up in the age of AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT, Cloud, Automation.
      • Law enforcement and other agencies should partner with their counterparts abroad to seek information of service providers overseas.
      • The report also suggests creating a special cadre of Cybercrime investigators.

Government has taken several steps to prevent and mitigate cyber security incidents. These include:

  1. Establishment of National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) for protection of critical information infrastructure in the country.
  2. All organizations providing digital services have been mandated to report cyber security incidents to CERT-In expeditiously.
  3. Cyber Swachhta Kendra (Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre) has been launched for providing detection of malicious programmes and free tools to remove such programmes.
  4. Issue of alerts and advisories regarding cyber threats and counter-measures by CERT-In.
  5. Formulation of Crisis Management Plan for countering cyber attacks and cyber terrorism.


  • As per American cybersecurity firm Palo Alto Networks’ 2021 report, Maharashtra was the most targeted state in India — facing 42% of all ransomware attacks.
  • The report stated that India is among the more economically profitable regions for hacker groups and hence these hackers ask Indian firms to pay a ransom, usually using cryptocurrencies, in order to regain access to the data.
  • One in four Indian organisations suffered a ransomware attack in 2021 — higher the the global average of 21%.
  • Software and services(26%), capital goods (14%) and the public sector (9%) were among the most targeted sectors.
  • Increase in such attacks has brought to light the urgent need for strengthening India’s cybersecurity.

Sources: The Hindu  

Mains Question:

Q. What are the key recommendations of the Data Security Council of India with respect to framing a robust and holistic cyber security policy? (250 Words).