The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): A Success Story with Room for Improvement : Daily News Analysis

Date : 27/07/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 2 - Bilateral relations, regional cooperation, and global governance

Keywords: SCO, New Delhi Declaration, Iran membership, bilateral relations, regional cooperation, global governance, multilateralism


  • The recent 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) held in New Delhi on July 4, 2023, marked yet another significant milestone in the organization's journey.
  • During the summit, leaders of the SCO member-states signed the New Delhi Declaration and explored cooperation in countering radicalization and digital transformation.
  • The inclusion of Iran as a full SCO member and the memorandum of obligations of Belarus to join the SCO as a member state further strengthened the organization's vitality.

Global मुद्दे) शंघाई सहयोग संगठन (SCO ...

What is Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organization founded in 2001. The SCO Charter was signed in 2002 and became effective in 2003. The SCO currently comprises eight Member States: China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.


  1. Foster mutual trust and neighborliness among member states.
  2. Promote effective cooperation in politics, trade & economy, research & technology, and culture.
  3. Enhance collaboration in areas like education, energy, transport, tourism, and environmental protection.
  4. Ensure and maintain peace, security, and stability in the region.
  5. Work towards establishing a democratic, fair, and rational new international political and economic order.

Challenges in a Changing World

  • Our world is currently grappling with geopolitical tensions, economic challenges, energy crises, food shortages, and climate change. These complex issues demand a collective response from all nations.
  • The major risks to world peace and development are power politics, economic coercion, technology decoupling, and ideological contestations.
  • The international community faces critical questions about unity or division, peace or conflict, cooperation or confrontation, which necessitate thoughtful answers.

SCO's Commitment to a Shared Future

  • Throughout its existence, the SCO has endeavored to become a community with a shared future for humanity. Its member-states have supported each other's core interests, fostered good neighborliness, and built partnerships based on dialogue and cooperation.
  • The organization's efforts have contributed significantly to regional peace, stability, and prosperity. However, as the world enters a new era, there is scope for the SCO to enhance strategic communication, deepen practical cooperation, and support each other's development.

SCO and opportunities for India

  • Regional Security: Being part of the Eurasian security grouping, India can address threats like religious extremism and terrorism in the region through SCO's collective efforts. Strengthening cooperation with SCO, including its Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS), is a priority for India to enhance security and defense collaboration.
  • Connect With Central Asia: India's engagement with SCO aligns with its Connect Central Asia policy. The platform allows India to reconnect and strengthen ties with a region that shares civilizational linkages, serving as India's extended neighborhood.
  • Dealing With Pakistan & China: SCO provides India with an opportunity to engage constructively with both China and Pakistan in a regional context while projecting its security interests effectively.
  • Bringing Stability in Afghanistan: SCO serves as an alternative regional platform to address the evolving situation in Afghanistan. India has already completed 500 development projects in Afghanistan with a total aid of $3 billion, contributing to stability and progress in the country.
  • Strategic Importance: India recognizes the strategic significance of the region and SCO. The Indian Prime Minister has emphasized the foundational dimension of a 'SECURE' Eurasia, underscoring the importance of cooperation within the organization.

Addressing Security and Cooperation

  • The SCO member-states must enhance solidarity and mutual trust for common security. They must remain vigilant and reject any attempts to orchestrate a new Cold War or bloc confrontation in the region.
  • Strengthening security cooperation, combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, and collaborating on digital, biological, and outer space security is vital.
  • Additionally, the SCO should emphasize win-win cooperation to foster shared prosperity, particularly in trade, investment, technology, climate action, infrastructure, and people-to-people engagement.

Advocating Multilateralism for a Common Destiny

  • Multilateralism is vital in shaping a shared destiny. The SCO should engage with observer states, dialogue partners, and other regional and international organizations like the United Nations to uphold the UN-centered international system and international law.
  • Together, the SCO and its partners can promote world peace, and global development, and safeguard the international order.

China's Commitment and Global Partnerships

  • As a member of the SCO, China is dedicated to working with India, South Africa, and other partners to foster global peace, security, and prosperity.
  • The country supports comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, respecting each nation's development path and social system. China calls for dialogue and diplomacy to address international disputes and advocates for fairer global governance that respects the rights and interests of developing countries.

Way Forward:

  • In the context of the 21st century being an era dominated by Asia, it becomes imperative for India and China to establish a modus vivendi, facilitating peaceful coexistence between the two nations. As key members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), both countries have a unique opportunity to enhance their relations and address mutual concerns through constructive dialogue and cooperation.
  • By recognizing the significance of the SCO as a platform for regional engagement, India and China can work together to foster stability and progress, not just within the organization but also on a broader Asian scale. By utilizing the SCO's framework, India and China can chart a path toward improved relations that would have far-reaching impacts on regional peace, security, and economic prosperity.
  • The SCO's focus on fostering a cooperative and sustainable security framework is particularly relevant in the face of rising terrorism in the region. By collaborating within the SCO's Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, member countries can strengthen their collective efforts to combat the shared challenge of extremism.
  • Moreover, recognizing the importance of promoting contact and connectivity between people, societies, and nations, the SCO member countries should develop joint institutional capacities that respect individual national sensitivities while nurturing a spirit of cooperation. This collective responsibility toward creating a safe, secure, and stable region will pave the way for progress and improved human development indices within the SCO's ambit.


The SCO's success story exemplifies the collective rise of emerging economies and developing nations, acting as a progressive force for fairness and justice in the world. As China, India, South Africa, and other partners lead by example, a united, equal, and inclusive global development partnership can evolve. It is crucial to stand against hegemony, unilateralism, and a Cold War mentality, rejecting illegal unilateral sanctions. By pursuing common goals and shared values, the SCO can continue its success story and contribute positively to the global stage.

Probable Questions for UPSC main exam-

  1. Evaluate the significance of the 23rd SCO summit and its outcomes, including Iran's full membership and the SCO's economic development strategy. Discuss the role of the SCO in addressing geopolitical challenges and fostering regional stability. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. Examine the importance of multilateralism and global partnerships for shaping a fair and just international order. Discuss China's commitment to cooperation with India, South Africa, and other partners and the potential impact on world peace and security. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source : The Hindu