The International Day of the Tropics (29th June Every Year) : Daily Current Affairs

The International Day of the Tropics celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the tropics while highlighting unique challenges and opportunities nations of the Tropics face. It is celebrated across the globe on 29th june every year .

United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/70/267 in 2016, which declared that 29 June of each year is to be observed as the International Day of the Tropics.

The inaugural State of the Tropics Report was launched on 29 June 2014, as the culmination of a collaboration between twelve leading tropical research institutions.

Importance of Tropics :

  • The Tropics account for 40% of the world’s total surface area and are host to approximately 80% of the world’s biodiversity.
  • The Tropics host nearly 95% of the world’s mangrove forests by area and 99% of mangrove species. 
  • The Tropics have just over half of the world’s renewable water resources (54%), yet almost half their population is considered vulnerable to water stress.
  • Biodiversity is greater in the Tropics – however, loss of biodiversity is also greater in the Tropics than in the rest of the world.