The Complex Nexus of Canada-India Relations: Diaspora Politics and Its Implications : Daily News Analysis

Date : 22/09/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 2 – International Relations

Keywords – Indo-pacific, Indian Diaspora, G20


Canada and India, two diverse and dynamic nations, have experienced a tumultuous relationship over the past five decades. Recent events have further strained their ties, with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement alleging Indian involvement in the killing of Khalistani activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar being a flashpoint.

A History of Canada-India Relations

Canada and India share a history of diplomatic fluctuations, marked by periods of bonhomie and tension. During the Cold War era, both countries found common ground due to their shared Commonwealth status and mutual support for international institutions like the United Nations. However, differences arose over global crises such as Korea, Hungary, and Vietnam, and India's pursuit of a nuclear program added strain.

In the 1980s, Canada's interest in India was rekindled as Indian immigration to Canada increased. Despite limited prospects for trade and security cooperation, efforts were made to revive the relationship, which reached a low point in 1998 when Canada repudiated India's nuclear power status. In recent years, trade and investment have become the bedrock of their ties, with significant potential for further growth.

However, a recurring challenge in Canada-India relations has been the influence of certain diaspora groups that harbor animosity towards India and seek to undermine its territorial integrity. The current impasse has been triggered by allegations surrounding the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, but the root cause lies in the toxic form of diaspora politics that has permeated Canadian politics.

The significance of India-Canada relations

The significance of India-Canada relations encompasses various aspects:

  • Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy recognizes India as a vital partner in the region. It identifies China as a disruptive global power and views India as a critical partner with shared values of democracy and pluralism.
  • Trade and Commerce: India ranks as Canada's tenth-largest trading partner, with bilateral trade valued at USD 5 billion. Over 400 Canadian companies operate in India, and more than 1,000 companies actively pursue business opportunities there. Canadian pension funds have committed over USD 55 billion in investments between 2014 and 2020. Both countries are working on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA).

  • Development Cooperation: Canada has invested approximately $24 million in 2018-2019 to support 75 projects in India through non-profit organizations like Grand Challenges Canada.
  • Energy Sector: India and Canada signed a Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) in 2010, and a Joint Committee on Civil Nuclear Cooperation was established. A uranium supply deal was signed during Prime Minister Modi's visit in 2015.
  • Science & Technology and Space: Collaboration agreements have been signed between ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency) in the field of space exploration and utilization. ANTRIX, ISRO's commercial arm, has launched numerous Canadian satellites.
  • Education Sector: Since 2018, India has become the largest source country for international students in Canada. This influx of students has benefited Canadian educational institutions and allowed them to provide subsidized education to domestic students.
  • Indian Diaspora: Canada is home to one of the world's largest Indian diasporas, with 1.6 million people of Indian origin (PIOs and NRIs), comprising over 3% of the total population. This diaspora has made significant contributions in various sectors, including politics, with 22 Members of Parliament of Indian origin in the House of Commons.

These aspects highlight the multifaceted nature of the India-Canada relationship, spanning economic, political, cultural, and strategic dimensions, with both countries recognizing the mutual benefits of their cooperation.

Diaspora Politics: A Double-Edged Sword

Diaspora politics, involving Canadian political parties engaging with and appeasing groups with divisive views on their countries of origin, poses a significant challenge to Canada-India relations. Pro-Khalistan groups and other separatist elements have found fertile ground in Canada to propagate their agendas.

Trudeau's recent allegations against India are unprecedented and troubling, regardless of their veracity. Accusing a G20 state of an extraterritorial killing is a game-changer in international diplomacy. While Ottawa claims to have received and corroborated intelligence before making these allegations, the timing and public nature of the statement suggest a calculated move.

Furthermore, Trudeau's emphasis on the "rule of law" overlooks the disruptive influence of certain diaspora elements within Canada. Some of these groups have been associated with violence against Indian diplomats, celebrations of the death of an Indian prime minister, and vandalism of places of worship. The Air India 182 bombing in 1985, carried out by Khalistani separatists, remains the largest terrorist act in Canadian history. Trudeau's "rule of law" rhetoric seems selective, focusing on the plight of Khalistani activists rather than their victims.

Both major Canadian political parties, the Liberals and Conservatives, have pandered to diaspora groups that engage in activities that threaten the interests and security of other countries. This shortsighted approach has prevented Canadian governments from separating national security and foreign policy from short-term electoral considerations.

Challenges in the relationship between India and Canada include:

  1. Khalistani Separatist Factor: The most significant challenge is the presence of Khalistani separatist elements in Canada. The Canadian government's attempts to balance Sikh assertions and its relations with India have complicated India-Canada relations.
  2. Attacks on Indian Consulates and Diaspora: Incidents of attacks on non-Sikh Indian diaspora, Indian consulates, and temples have added strain to the bilateral relationship.
  3. Trade Challenges: Trade relations face obstacles due to structural issues like complex labor laws, market protectionism, and bureaucratic regulations. Negotiations on important agreements like the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (BIPPA) have stalled for an extended period, contributing to limited progress in Indo-Canadian trade. Furthermore, prior to the G20 summit, Canada unilaterally halted trade negotiations with India, exacerbating the trade challenges.
  4. Close Canada-China Relationship: The current Canadian federal government maintains a close relationship with the government of the People's Republic of China. This association has strained India's relations with Canada and raised concerns regarding Canada's stance on China.

These challenges underscore the complexities and sensitivities in the India-Canada relationship, requiring both countries to navigate political, security, and economic issues carefully to foster a more productive partnership.

Way forward

Recent developments have seen the Government of India make it clear to Canada that maintaining positive relations with India cannot coexist with allowing anti-India separatist movements on Canadian soil.

To improve the situation, several measures can be taken:

  1. Constructive and Sustained Engagement: India should establish constructive and continuous engagement with the Sikh diaspora. It's crucial to counter the misinformation spread by Khalistani separatists and showcase the peaceful and content environment prevailing in Punjab.
  2. New Framework of Cooperation: Both countries should work on developing a new, pragmatic framework for cooperation. This should prioritize mutually beneficial areas like trade, energy, infrastructure, and transportation to enhance Indo-Canadian relations.
  3. Dehyphenation: It's essential for India and Canada to separate their political disputes related to the Khalistan issue from their trade and investment relations. Both nations should aim to resume trade negotiations and finalize the Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
  4. Civil Society and Track II Diplomacy: Encouraging civil society organizations and Track II diplomacy initiatives can foster people-to-people connections, encourage dialogue, and support conflict resolution efforts between India and Canada.
  5. Media and Public Diplomacy: Responsible reporting and accurate portrayal of the complexities within the relationship are crucial. Promoting public diplomacy efforts can help ensure that media coverage accurately represents the efforts being made to strengthen the bilateral ties.

These actions can contribute to a more constructive and productive India-Canada relationship, addressing challenges while promoting cooperation and understanding.


The Canada-India relationship stands at a critical juncture, with recent events highlighting the disruptive influence of diaspora politics on bilateral ties. To overcome this challenge and rebuild trust, both countries must engage in a serious, open, and layered political dialogue. This dialogue should address the role of Canada's Indian diaspora, its politicization, and its impact on Canada-India relations.

While historical fluctuations in the relationship are not uncommon, the current impasse requires a reevaluation of how both nations navigate the complex web of diaspora politics. Canada and India share important strategic interests, and their cooperation is essential for addressing global challenges. By prioritizing national security and foreign policy over short-term electoral considerations, both countries can chart a more stable and productive path forward.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam

  • Question 1: Diaspora politics has emerged as a significant challenge in Canada-India relations. Discuss the implications of this challenge on bilateral ties and suggest measures that both countries can undertake to address it effectively. (10 marks, 150 words)
  • Question 2: Analyze the multifaceted nature of India-Canada relations, highlighting key areas of cooperation and challenges. How can both countries work towards resolving these challenges and strengthening their strategic partnership in the Indo-Pacific region? (15 marks, 250 words)

Source – Indian Express