Strengthening Urban Health Resilience in the Face of Climate Events : Daily News Analysis

Date : 09/08/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 3 – Issues related to Health, Climate Change

Keywords – Urban vulnerability, Cyclonic storms, Disease Management, Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme

Context –

The recent monsoon season in India has unequivocally illuminated the vulnerabilities inherent in urban households when subjected to the cascading impacts of climate change-induced events. From the menacing specter of cyclonic storms to the deluge of floods and the unrelenting downpour of torrential rainfall, the far-reaching consequences of these occurrences have evoked considerable concern, prompting the attention of policymakers and citizens alike. Even as the arduous process of recuperation unfolds, it is crucial to navigate through the labyrinth of challenges and remain vigilant of another equally formidable peril – the looming threat of rampant outbreaks of common water and vector-borne diseases in regions severely affected by the relentless torrent of heavy rains.

Urban Vulnerability: An Emerging Concern

In the era of climate change, marked by the increased frequency and heightened intensity of extreme meteorological events, it unavoidably amplifies the vulnerabilities of specific demographic segments. Amidst these susceptible groups, urban households, particularly those situated within marginalized enclaves of cities, such as slums and resettlement colonies, emerge as alarmingly predisposed to the devastations of climatic disruptions. These pockets of urban habitation, frequently overflowing with marginalized populations, shelter a substantial population of individuals struggling with the interconnected difficulties of poverty, informal employment, and the absence of strong social safety nets.

Research on Vulnerability

The insights gleaned from an insightful study recently published in the esteemed Indian Journal of Public Health offer a nuanced and poignant perspective on the intricate dynamics of household vulnerability vis-à-vis climate-induced events. This seminal study shines a spotlight on two pivotal findings: firstly, households endowed with lower socio-economic indicators find themselves perched precariously on the precipice of susceptibility to diseases such as malaria, with urban households bearing the brunt of this risk more acutely than their rural counterparts. Secondly, states that wear the mantle of climatic fragility exhibit an elevated propensity for the eruption of malaria outbreaks. Similarly, the incidence of dengue fever disproportionately tips the scales toward urban populations.

Challenges in Disease Management and Coordination

In the aftermath of the tempestuous monsoon season, officials entrusted with the formidable task of managing water and vector-borne diseases find themselves ensnared in a relentless battle to curb the virulent proliferation of these afflictions. This year presents an unprecedented confluence of challenges, augmenting the burden on these officials manifold. Effective containment of disease propagation mandates an intricate symphony of coordinated efforts, transcending the confines of state borders and encompassing seamless inter-state cooperation, a critical step due to the ceaseless movement of people across state demarcations. Achieving a harmonious synchrony in these concerted endeavors is a monumental feat that hinges on effective coordination, unwavering commitment, and meticulous planning.

Reinventing the Urban Health System

In light of the escalating unpredictability and intensified ferocity of climate-induced events, the imperativeness of revitalizing and reinforcing urban primary health-care systems assumes paramount significance to bolster their inherent resilience. These health systems should be meticulously designed and meticulously calibrated to cater to the unique exigencies and vulnerabilities of the often-neglected urban strata, particularly those ensconced within urban slums and peri-urban regions. A truly resilient health system is one that exudes the capability to respond with alacrity to exigencies, meticulously strategize for prospective crises, and adroitly adapt to the ever-evolving tapestry of public health prerequisites.

Boosting Investment in Urban Health

Realizing such formidable resilience necessitates a seismic escalation in public investment, a seismic shift that needs to be underscored, particularly with a pronounced emphasis on urban locales prone to the disruptive impact of climatic vagaries. The present allocation towards primary health care remains embarrassingly inadequate, with urban local bodies grappling with the conundrum of resource scarcity. While the commendable strides witnessed under the aegis of the National Urban Health Mission have undoubtedly engendered progress in enhancing urban primary-care systems, the constraints inherent in revenue generation continue to fetter the pace of advancement. The pursuit of resilience and preparedness mandates the establishment of dedicated funds, potentially pooled from institutional sources such as the Finance Commission, earmarked specifically to fortify and fortify the vulnerable urban strongholds.

Expanding Beyond Cities: Towns and Beyond

The imperative of focusing on fortification transcends the realm of cities alone; towns too merit inclusion within the purview of these protective measures. The intricate tapestry of urban health governance, conspicuously spotlighted during the throes of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, is characterized by the intricate interplay of multifarious agencies and the persistent and pervasive influence of the private sector. The crucible of the pandemic underscores the exigency of heightened coordination, knowledge dissemination, preemptive and curative interventions, adaptive treatment protocols, and the vigilant regulation of costs.

Strengthening Surveillance and Information Systems

The sweep of a comprehensive approach inevitably encompasses the consolidation and amplification of surveillance and information systems, with flagship initiatives such as the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme warranting universalization and meticulous augmentation. Given the intricate interplay and entwined dynamics of health and climate crises, the conventional framework of vertical disease control programs must yield to a comprehensive health system approach. The seamless integration of frontline workers across a diverse spectrum of disease management programs holds the promise of cultivating a versatile cadre of public health professionals, adroit at bridging the chasm between communities and the complex health system.

Resource-Scarcity Challenges and the Imperative of Proactive Climate Adaptation

Operating and navigating within the confines of a milieu that is scarce in resources underscores and highlights the absolute and inherent necessity for strategies and approaches that are forward-looking and visionary in nature. Plans, schemes, and management strategies need to be deeply and intrinsically connected and attuned to the undeniable and inescapable reality of climate-induced events that are both more frequent and more severe in their impact. This critical realization serves to underscore and emphasize the urgency that is associated with proactive preparation, groundwork, and systemic adaptation. All of these efforts collectively and synergistically contribute to ensuring and securing a state of readiness that is not only comprehensive but also elevated in its nature, specifically calibrated and fine-tuned to effectively and efficiently counter and tackle these multifaceted, intricate, and interwoven challenges that we are confronted with.


As climate events continue to reconfigure the fault lines of urban vulnerabilities, the paramount significance of bolstering urban health resilience assumes unprecedented salience. The pursuit of this noble objective demands substantial investment, intricate planning, seamless coordination, and a paradigm shift from traditional vertical disease control programs to a comprehensive health system approach. The evolving terrain underscores the compelling urgency of recalibrating public health systems to grapple with the intricate tapestry of climate change and health emergencies. A proactive stance adopted today shall inevitably pave the pathway for a more resilient, agile, and adaptable urban health infrastructure, thereby ensuring that communities remain resilient and well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of a rapidly transforming world.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam –

  1. Discuss the vulnerabilities of urban households, especially those located in marginalized areas, in the context of climate-induced events. How do factors like poverty, informal employment, and inadequate social safety nets exacerbate these vulnerabilities? Provide examples to support your answer. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. In the face of escalating climate events and their impact on urban health, elaborate on the need for proactive preparation and systemic adaptation. Explain how a comprehensive health system approach can effectively address the challenges posed by climate-induced events. Highlight the role of integrated disease surveillance programs and collaborative efforts in building urban health resilience. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source – The Hindu