Strengthening India's Development Through Advancing Quantum Technology : Daily News Analysis

Date : 02/08/2023

Relevance: GS Paper3: Science & Technology

Keywords: Quantum Technology, National Quantum Mission, Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Sensing, Quantum Materials.


  • Quantum technology, based on the principles of Quantum mechanics, holds immense potential to revolutionize various sectors, including secure communication, disaster management, computing, healthcare, and more. As the global race for quantum technology intensifies between China and the United States, India recognizes the importance of developing its own quantum capabilities to address domestic challenges and safeguard national security.
  • In this context, the Indian government has launched the National Quantum Mission (NQM) to bolster research and development in quantum technology, with the goal of indigenously building powerful quantum computers capable of solving complex problems securely.

About Quantum Technology:

  • Quantum technology is based on the principles of Quantum mechanics, a fundamental theory developed in the early 20th century to describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. It has since evolved to explore biological phenomena, such as smell, consciousness, enzyme catalysis, photosynthesis, avian navigation, and its potential effects on viruses like the coronavirus.
  • The applications of quantum technology are vast and diverse. One of its key aspects is secure communication, where quantum principles enable unbreakable encryption, ensuring data confidentiality. Disaster management benefits from better prediction capabilities powered by quantum simulations. Quantum computing exhibits immense potential to revolutionize computation, addressing complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers. Furthermore, quantum technology has implications in various domains, including healthcare, cryptography, imaging, and security, among others.

Global Race for Quantum Technology:

  • The global competition to harness quantum power has intensified, with China and the United States at the forefront. Quantum technologies offer unprecedented advantages, making them a defining battleground for global superpowers.
  • Currently, the United States maintains a lead in quantum technology, owing to significant investments and research efforts. However, China has been rapidly gaining momentum and has surpassed the US in the total number of quantum technology patents. Additionally, China has made significant strides in the development of quantum communications, which has further expanded the specter of quantum cyberattacks against nations like India.

India's Current Capabilities:

  • India has made modest strides in quantum technology. Notable achievements include the establishment of a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) link covering a distance of 100 km between Prayagraj and Vindhyachal. This demonstration of secure communication was accomplished through collaboration between scientists from the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT-Delhi).
  • The Department of Science and Technology launched the Quantum-Enabled Science and Technology (QuEST) initiative to invest INR 80 crores to lay out infrastructure and facilitate research in the field.
  • Quantum Computer Simulator (QSim) Toolkit: It provides the first quantum development environment to academicians, industry professionals, students, and the scientific community in India.
  • Additionally, the Indian Army has taken steps to enhance its quantum capabilities by setting up a dedicated Quantum Computing Lab, which is backed by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) of India.

The National Quantum Mission (NQM):

  • The National Quantum Mission (NQM) is a crucial initiative by the Indian government aimed at bolstering research and development in the field of quantum technology. Led by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the mission aims to build indigenously-developed quantum-based computers with varying physical qubit capacities over the next eight years.
  • Over the course of the National Quantum Mission, India aims to develop computers with increasing physical qubit capacities. Within three years, computers with up to 50 physical qubits will be developed, followed by 50 to 100 physical qubits in five years, and ultimately, computers with up to 1000 physical qubits in eight years.
  • Additionally, the mission will focus on supporting the design and synthesis of quantum materials, including superconductors, novel semiconductor structures, and topological materials. These materials will be crucial for the fabrication of advanced quantum devices. Furthermore, the development of single-photon sources/detectors and entangled photon sources will cater to quantum communications, sensing, and metrological applications.
  • The NQM has identified four thematic hubs (T-Hubs) to focus on specific aspects of quantum technology:
  • Quantum Computing: This hub will work towards developing quantum computers with 50-1000 physical qubits in the specified time frame, enabling them to tackle complex problems with exceptional speed and efficiency.
  • Quantum Communication: The hub will concentrate on developing single-photon sources, detectors, and entangled photon sources to advance quantum communication, sensing, and metrology applications.
  • Quantum Sensing & Metrology: This hub will contribute to the design and synthesis of quantum materials, such as superconductors, novel semiconductor structures, and topological materials, which have critical implications for the fabrication of advanced quantum devices.
  • Quantum Materials & Devices: Focused on generating new knowledge through basic and applied research, this hub will promote R&D in areas assigned to them, thereby enhancing the overall capabilities of quantum technology.

Significance of NQM:

  • The establishment of the National Quantum Mission holds immense significance for India's strategic interests. While the primary focus is scientific research, the initiation of a dedicated national mission reflects India's commitment to expedite quantum technology development. The NQM's far-reaching benefits will have a profound impact on various sectors, including communication, healthcare, finance, energy, drug design, and space applications.
  • Moreover, the mission will pave the way for generating a skilled workforce in quantum materials and devices. This will support quantum technologies and contribute to other significant scientific endeavors in India, such as the semiconductor mission, neutrino observatory, and gravitational wave detection.
  • Furthermore, the NQM will synergize with other national priorities such as Digital India, Make in India, Skill India, Stand-up India, Self-reliant India, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), enhancing India's overall growth and development.

Challenges and Suggestions:

  • While quantum technology offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges that must be addressed to ensure its secure and effective implementation.
  • One of the primary concerns is the potential to break the encryption that underpins most enterprises, digital infrastructures, and economies. This vulnerability could compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data and transactions, making security a crucial aspect of quantum technology development.
  • To overcome these challenges, the NQM needs to focus on strategically recruiting new talent, fostering synergistic multi-institutional collaborations, and ensuring efficient infrastructure building to meet the mission's deadlines. Additionally, a well-balanced R&D ecosystem must be established, where material research for near-term goals and applications coexists and collaborates with research targeting more fundamental and futuristic objectives.

The Way Ahead:

India's timely investment and efficient management in material domains of quantum technology will pave the way for the country to emerge as a global leader in the field. By leveraging the capacity-building initiatives of the National Quantum Mission and fostering collaboration with international partners, India can strengthen its security posture in the quantum realm.


The National Quantum Mission presents a transformative opportunity for India to advance in quantum technology and enhance its security measures. With a strategic focus on R&D, collaboration, and capacity-building, India can position itself as a key player in the global race for quantum supremacy.

Probable Questions for UPSC main exam-:

  1. Explain the potential benefits of quantum technology for different sectors in India, and how can the National Quantum Mission (NQM) contribute to realizing these benefits. (10 Marks,150 Words)
  2. What are the key challenges faced by India in its pursuit of quantum technology, and how can international collaboration help address these challenges while ensuring security and sovereignty? (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source - PIB