Solidarity for peace: On the Hiroshima meeting of the G-7 : Daily Current Affairs

Date : 26/05/2023

Relevance: GS-2: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

Key Phrases: G-7 in Hiroshima meet, Hiroshima Vision Statement on Nuclear Disarmament, Memorial Visit, Humanitarian Perspective, G-7's Limited Representation, Global Warming, transparent financing, debt sustainability.

Why in News?

  • The recent meeting of the G-7 in Hiroshima, Japan, led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, aimed to convey a message of global solidarity for peace.
  • While the G-7 issued a special "Hiroshima Vision Statement on Nuclear Disarmament," the summit's statements revealed a limited perspective, failing to represent the diverse global landscape.

Symbolism and Significance:

  • Japanese Prime Minister's Message:
    • Prime Minister Kishida, a native of Hiroshima, sought to emphasize global solidarity for peace by hosting the G-7 meeting in the city.
  • Memorial Visit:
    • The leaders of all G-7 members, along with EU leadership, visited the peace memorial, underscoring the symbolic importance of acknowledging the victims of the 1945 atomic bombing.
  • Hiroshima Vision Statement:
    • The G-7 released a special statement on nuclear disarmament, highlighting their commitment to eliminating nuclear weapons.

Key Highlights of the Hiroshima Meet:

  • Biden's Presence:
    • The presence of U.S. President Joseph Biden, only the second sitting American President to visit Hiroshima, highlighted the summit's significance.
  • Ukrainian President's Arrival:
    • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's unexpected attendance shed light on Russia's invasion, emphasizing the importance of addressing global conflicts.
  • Humanitarian Perspective:
    • Indian Prime Minister’s statement, characterizing the crisis as a matter of "humanity," drew attention to the broader implications of conflicts and the need for humanitarian solutions.
  • Lack of Dialogue:
    • While the G-7 issued a statement on Ukraine imposing sanctions on Russia, it failed to outline a path toward dialogue and ending the war, highlighting the limitations of the grouping's approach.

The Need for Inclusivity:

  • G-7's Limited Representation:
    • The G-7, consisting primarily of Euro-American countries, does not accurately reflect the global landscape.
    • With less than a third of the global GDP and just over a tenth of the world's population, it lacks adequate representation.
  • Expulsion of Russia:
    • The G-7's decision to exclude Russia following its annexation of areas in Georgia (2008) and Crimea (2014) further limited the grouping's perspective.
  • Exclusion of Major Economies:
    • Not including economies like China and India, which are among the world's largest and fastest-growing, raises questions about the G-7's ability to address global challenges effectively.
  • Ignoring Responsibilities:
    • Efforts towards the Developing World:
      • Despite the Hiroshima summit's intent to acknowledge the G-7's responsibilities towards the developing world, concrete measures were noticeably absent.
      • The summit made efforts to promote transparent financing and debt sustainability as steps in the right direction.
      • However, further action was required to effectively alleviate the burdens faced by developing nations.
    • Compensation for Global Warming and Emissions:
      • One of the key responsibilities of the developed world is to address its contributions to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.
      • While the summit recognized this obligation, it failed to propose specific actions or mechanisms to compensate for these detrimental impacts.
      • Concrete measures to mitigate the consequences of climate change were notably absent from the summit's agenda.
    • The Need for Tangible Commitments:
      • While the G-7 summit demonstrated a willingness to engage with the challenges faced by the developing world, the lack of concrete measures hampered its effectiveness.
      • Merely acknowledging responsibilities without offering practical solutions limits the impact of the G-7's efforts.
      • Tangible commitments are crucial to ensuring meaningful progress in addressing global issues and achieving sustainable development.

Looking Ahead: A More Comprehensive Outlook:

  • The G-20 Summit:
    • As attention shifts to the upcoming G-20 summit in Delhi, hopes are high for a more inclusive outlook.
    • The G-20 can play a crucial role in building a comprehensive global consensus on pressing challenges.
  • Inclusive Measures:
    • It is crucial for the G-7 to recognize its limited representation and take steps to include a broader range of countries.
    • This would lead to a more comprehensive approach to tackling global issues.
  • Global Consensus:
    • By expanding its prism, the G-7 can foster a more inclusive and diverse dialogue, promoting a better understanding of the world's challenges and facilitating meaningful solutions.


  • The Hiroshima meet of the G-7 served as a reminder of the importance of global solidarity for peace.
  • However, the summit also highlighted the need for the G-7 to evolve and become more representative of the world today.
  • As an economic grouping, it must strive to include major economies and diverse perspectives.
  • Concrete measures addressing pressing global challenges, particularly those faced by the developing world, are essential.
  • The spotlight now turns to the G-20 summit, where a more inclusive approach can contribute to the creation of a comprehensive global consensus and pave the way for a brighter future.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the limitations of the G-7 as a global forum and highlight the need for inclusivity in international decision-making processes.