Safeguarding the Rights of Seasonal Intra-State Migrant Workers in Maharashtra's Sugar Industry : Daily News Analysis

Date : 31/07/2023

Relevance –

  • GS Paper 1 – Geography – Industries and related issues
  • GS Paper 2 – Polity – Inter-state Relation

Keywords – Suo motu, Marathwada, Migrant Worker, Mukadam System

Context –

The Bombay High Court has recently initiated a suo motu inquiry into the exploitation of seasonal intra-state migrant workers from the water-scarce regions of Marathwada to the sugar-belt area in western Maharashtra.

All-India Migrant Workers Survey to be conducted : Daily Current ...

The Plight of Seasonal Intra-State Migrant Workers

The exploitation of seasonal intra-state migrant workers in Maharashtra's sugar industry, particularly those migrating from the drought-affected and water-scarce regions of Marathwada to the sugar-belt districts, has become a pressing concern. These migrant workers form the backbone of the sugar cane industry and contribute significantly to the state's economic growth. However, they have remained marginalized and oppressed for several decades. The Bombay High Court's recent suo motu cognizance of their plight highlights the urgency to address their vulnerability and safeguard their rights. This article delves into the challenges faced by these seasonal migrants and emphasizes the need for comprehensive policies and effective implementation of labor laws to protect their interests.

Millions of small and marginal peasant households from Marathwada districts, including Beed, Jalna, Osmanabad, Latur, Nanded, and Parbhani, migrate seasonally to the sugar-belt districts, such as Sangli, Kolhapur, Pune, Satara, Solapur, and Ahmednagar, in search of employment in sugar cane harvesting and factories. Prolonged drought conditions, frequent crop failures, accumulated debts, and acute unemployment force these rural laborers to seek work outside their regions. This seasonal migration, though essential for their survival, subjects them to precarious conditions and exploitation in the sugar cane industry.

The Mukadam System and Exploitative Labor Practices

The labor recruitment system, commonly known as the "Mukadam" system, remains the focal point in the sugar cane industry. Labor contractors, known as Mukadams, have contracts with sugar factories to supply labor couples known as "Koytas." Workers often receive an advance payment from the Mukadams, creating a significant dependency on them for work. This system ensures a steady supply of temporary, cheap, and reliable workforce to sugar factories, but it also gives rise to labor rights violations and unfavorable working conditions.

The Role of the High Court and the Need for Government Intervention

The Bombay High Court's suo motu cognizance of the exploitation faced by intra-state migrant workers is a significant step towards addressing this issue. The court has directed the Maharashtra government to form a committee of officers from various departments to address the challenges faced by these migrant workers. However, beyond court intervention, the State government must take proactive measures to protect the rights and well-being of these vulnerable workers.

Data Gaps and Invisibility of Women and Children Migrants

A significant challenge in addressing the plight of seasonal migrant workers lies in the lack of adequate data, particularly regarding women and children migrants. Women migrants often remain invisible and un-enumerated, despite their essential role in the sugar cane harvesting process. They are engaged in strenuous work, such as headloading cane bundles and carrying heavy weights, which leads to health issues and safety concerns. Moreover, children accompanying their parents to work often face a violation of their right to education, as there are insufficient alternative schooling models available to them.

The Role of Migration Tracking Systems (MTS)

The Maharashtra government's initiative to implement a technology-aided Migration Tracking System (MTS) is commendable. Launched in 2022 by the Women and Child Development Department, the MTS focuses on seasonal migrants in tribal districts to enumerate and track children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. However, the MTS needs to be expanded and utilized effectively in the sugar-belt districts and other seasonal migration corridors to gather comprehensive data on migrant workers and their specific needs.

Addressing the Plight of Women and Children Migrants

To address the vulnerabilities faced by women and children migrants, the State government must adopt specific intervention strategies. This includes implementing measures to ensure their health, safety, and fair employment opportunities in the sugar cane labor market. Furthermore, addressing the issue of early and forced marriages among migrants is crucial to prevent adverse consequences for adolescent girls.

Guaranteeing the Right to Education for Children Migrants

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes equitable and inclusive education for all children. The State must ensure that children accompanying their parents to work in the sugar fields have access to education. The lack of proper schooling alternatives leads to child labor and violates their right to education. The government should prioritize creating appropriate education facilities and ensuring that school records accurately reflect the attendance of these children.


The plight of seasonal intra-state migrant workers in Maharashtra's sugar industry demands immediate attention and action. These workers, who play a pivotal role in the state's economic growth, deserve protection and inclusion in the development plans. Addressing their vulnerability requires comprehensive data collection, specific interventions for women and children migrants, and enforcement of labor laws. By taking proactive steps, the government can ensure safe and healthy working conditions for seasonal migrant workers and protect their rights. Maharashtra's commitment to safeguarding the rights of these vulnerable workers will pave the way for a more just and inclusive society.

Probable Questions for Mains Examination –

  1. What are the key challenges faced by seasonal intra-state migrant workers in Maharashtra's sugar industry, and how can comprehensive policies be formulated to protect their rights and improve their living conditions? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
  2. Discuss the role of the judiciary in safeguarding the rights of laborers, with a specific focus on the recent suo motu cognizance taken by the Bombay High Court regarding the exploitation of intra-state migrant workers in Maharashtra. Evaluate the effectiveness of government interventions in addressing the plight of these workers and propose further measures for improvement. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Source – The Hindu