Right to Information Act (RTI) : Daily Current Affairs

Right to Information Act (RTI)

Section 8 (1) (e) of RTI Act 2005

Context - In response to a Right to Information petition filed by and intervenor , Food ministry said that Telangana and Meghalaya are the only state government which have sought additional food grains from the centre in pursuance of the SC’s June order to provide dry rations to migrants without ration cards.

  • The intervenors sent legal notices to state governments regarding the implementation of the SC order and also asked for a copy of the correspondence between the centre and states regarding such additional food grains.
  • But, ministry denied giving the information saying “Section 8 (1) (e) of the RTI Act 2005 exempts information available to a person in his judiciary relationship from disclosure unless the competent authority is satisfied that the larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information.

About RTI Act 2005

  • RTI Act 2005 sets out the rules and procedures regarding the citizen’s right to information.
  • RTI Act 2005 , replaced the former Freedom of Information Act , 2002.

Right to information is under the right to Freedom of speech and expression ; Article 19 of the Indian Constitution which is a fundamental right.

Key provisions –

Section 4 of the RTI Act - suo moto disclosure of information by each public authority.

Section 8(1) – Exemptions against furnishing information under RTI Act.

Section 8(2) – Disclosure of information exempted under Official secrets Act , 1923 if larger public interest is served.

  • There will be an appointment of Information Commissioners at centre and state level.
  • In normal cases , information has to be supplied within 30 days from the receipt of application. If it relates to liberty of a person , it shall be supplied within 48 hours.
  • CIC has held that all political parties are public authorities and are answerable to citizens under the RTI Act.
  • Public authority means any authority or body or institution of self government established or constituted by or under the constitution , by any other law of parliament / State legislature or by notification or order made by government.