Poshan Maah: Nurturing India's Health, Knowledge, and Empowerment : Daily News Analysis

Date : 25/09/2023

Relevance – GS Paper 2 - Social Justice

Keywords – Poshan Maah 2023, Suposhit Bhaarat, Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, National Food Security Act 2013


  • Poshan Maah, also known as National Nutrition Month, is an annual event in India dedicated to raising awareness about the critical importance of nutrition and fostering healthy dietary habits among its citizens.It is celebrated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD) during the entire month of September 2023.
  • The theme for 6th Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2023, "Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat," translates to "Nutrition-rich India, Educated India, and Empowered India." This theme underscores the profound interplay between nutrition, education, and empowerment in the nation's development journey.

Rashtriya Poshan Maah : Addressing Malnutrition in Children

About POSHAN Abhiyaan

The government launched POSHAN Abhiyaan, also known as the National Nutrition Mission, on March 8, 2018, with the following key objectives:

  1. Targeted Reductions: The Abhiyaan aims to achieve annual reductions of 2% in stunting, 2% in undernutrition, 3% in anemia (among young children, women, and adolescent girls), and 2% in low birth weight.
  2. Stunting Reduction: The primary target is to decrease the prevalence of stunting among children aged 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25% by the year 2022.
  3. Technology-Driven Service Delivery: POSHAN Abhiyaan places a strong emphasis on leveraging technology for efficient service delivery and intervention implementation.
  4. Behavioral Change and Convergence: The mission promotes behavioral change through coordinated efforts and convergence of various government programs and initiatives.
  5. Monitoring and Specific Targets: The Abhiyaan establishes specific targets across various monitoring parameters to ensure that its objectives are met.
  6. Swasth Bharat Preraks: To expedite Abhiyaan implementation, one Swasth Bharat Prerak is deployed in each district. These Preraks work in tandem with district officials to facilitate efficient execution.

POSHAN Abhiyaan's overarching goals include preventing and reducing stunting and undernutrition among children aged 0-6 years, lowering the prevalence of anemia among both young children (6-59 months) and women and adolescent girls (15-49 years), and reducing instances of low birth weight.

Suposhit Bharat: Nourishing the Nation

"Suposhit Bharat" is a fundamental pillar of India's public health and a cornerstone of human development. It reflects the nation's unwavering commitment to addressing the pervasive issue of malnutrition and promoting the health and well-being of its citizens. Adequate nutrition is not merely a matter of physical growth but also crucial for cognitive development, immune system function, and overall health.

India, however, grapples with a substantial challenge in the form of malnutrition. According to the 2019-21 National Family Health Survey 5, the statistics are alarming, with 35.5 percent of children under five years experiencing stunting, 19.3 percent suffering from wasting, 32.1 percent being underweight, and anemia affecting a staggering 67.1 percent of the population. Disturbingly, less than half of children under five years receive timely complementary feeding, and a mere 11.3 percent of them obtain a minimum adequate diet.

To combat malnutrition, the Government of India (GOI) has implemented a range of measures and programs, including the Integrated Child Development Services, the Mid Day Meal/PM Poshan, conditional cash transfers through Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, and the National Food Security Act 2013, which ensures food access for vulnerable and low-income households. Additionally, initiatives like Anemia Mukt Bharat aim to reduce the prevalence of anemia.

Despite these substantial efforts, the malnutrition issue persists, primarily due to a lack of awareness, economic and gender disparities, a growing population, and challenges related to food security. Addressing malnutrition is a complex, long-term endeavor that demands continuous attention and innovative policymaking. The "Suposhit Bharat" component of the theme underscores the necessity of a holistic approach to tackling this pressing issue.

Sakshar Bharat: Educating for Empowerment

"Sakshar Bharat" emphasizes the importance of education in empowering the Indian population. Education is not only a fundamental right but also a key driver of economic growth and social progress. India has undertaken various education initiatives and programs for primary and secondary education, aiming to enhance the quality of education, increase access to it, and address specific challenges within the education sector.

The National Statistical Organization (NSO) 2017-18 data on education in India reveals disparities in access to education, with only 38 percent of rural households having access to secondary education within 1km from their homes compared to 70 percent in urban areas. While the literacy rate for ages 7 and above stands at 73.5 percent in rural areas and 87.7 percent in urban areas, there is still room for improvement.

Furthermore, the Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) 2021-22 data highlights that only 33.9 percent of schools in India have internet access, and just 45.8 percent possess functional computers. Although internet access in India has grown steadily from 4 percent in 2007 to 48.7 percent in 2022, there remains a gender gap, with more men (57.1 percent) using the internet compared to women (33.3 percent).

To address these challenges, India has launched various education initiatives and programs. These include the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for universalizing elementary education and bridging gender gaps, the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan to enhance access to secondary education, and the National Education Policy 2020, which outlines a comprehensive roadmap for transforming the education system. Schemes like Beti Bacho, Beti Padhao, and Ladli Laxmi Yojana promote girl child enrollment and retention in school.

Despite the progress made, unequal access to education, a lack of funding, infrastructure deficits, and a shortage of skilled resources remain as challenges. The theme of "Sakshar Bharat" underscores the critical role of education in empowering individuals and enhancing their prospects in a rapidly evolving world.

Sashakt Bharat: Empowering Through Gender Equality

"Sashakt Bharat" or "Empowered India" highlights the importance of gender mainstreaming and women's empowerment in addressing nutritional issues. Women, as primary caregivers, play a central role in ensuring the nutritional well-being of their families. However, multiple challenges faced by women, including limited access to education and employment opportunities, make them economically dependent and reduce their bargaining power within households, ultimately affecting food security.

Disturbingly, domestic violence remains a significant concern in India, with the incidence rising to 31.2 percent in 2019-21 from 29.3 percent in 2015-16. Approximately 3.1 percent of pregnant women (18-49 years of age) face domestic violence, despite the existence of "The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act" of 2005.

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has initiated various schemes to empower women, including the POSHAN Abhiyan, which focuses on improving nutritional outcomes in pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls. Another scheme targets adolescent girls to break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition through an enabling environment. The Ujjwala Scheme extends access to LPG to below poverty line households, promoting clean cooking and women's safety. Anganwadi Services empower women at the grassroots, while the Janani Suruksha Yojana encourages institutional births through the National Health Mission.

Additionally, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship promotes women's employment and empowerment through skill development programs. The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana provides micro loans to women entrepreneurs. However, challenges in implementing these schemes and programs persist and can be addressed through increased awareness among women about available opportunities and stringent implementation of laws and policies to protect and empower them.

Holistic Approach to Nutritional Challenges

Addressing malnutrition is a multifaceted, long-term endeavor that requires sustained commitment, multi-sectoral collaboration, and adaptability to changing circumstances. While progress has been made, India's size, diversity, and numerous challenges make it a persistent issue that demands continuous attention and innovation in policy making and implementation.

The theme of Poshan Maah, "Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat," encapsulates a holistic approach to addressing India's nutritional challenges. By focusing on nutrition, education, and empowerment, India can work towards a healthier, more literate, and empowered nation.


Poshan Maah, India's National Nutrition Month, serves as a crucial reminder of the interconnectedness of nutrition, education, and empowerment in the country's development. Each element of the theme, "Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat," holds immense significance in addressing the complex challenges India faces.

"Suposhit Bharat" highlights the urgent need to combat malnutrition and promote the health and well-being of all citizens. "Sakshar Bharat" emphasizes the role of education in empowering individuals and driving socio-economic progress. "Sashakt Bharat" underscores the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in ensuring food security and overall development.

India's journey towards a healthier, more educated, and empowered nation is ongoing, and Poshan Maah serves as a platform to renew commitments, raise awareness, and drive action. It is through sustained efforts, innovative policies, and collaborative initiatives that India can realize the vision of a "Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat" - a nation that thrives on good nutrition, education, and empowerment.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam

  1. "How does the 'Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat' theme of Poshan Maah highlight the interplay between nutrition, education, and empowerment in India's development? Discuss the key challenges, government initiatives, and the role of a holistic approach." (10 marks, 150 words)
  2. "What are the objectives and significance of POSHAN Abhiyaan in addressing malnutrition in India? Explain the specific targets and the role of technology. In the context of 'Suposhit Bharat,' analyze the persistent challenges and suggest policy measures for ensuring adequate nutrition." (15 marks, 250 words)

Source – ORF