PM SHRI Scheme Gets Cabinet Nod : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 09/09/2022

Relevance: GS-2: Government Policies, Education, Skills

Key Phrases: PM SHRI Schools, National Education Policy 2020, Green Schools, Equitable Learning, Centrally Sponsored Scheme

What is PM Shri Scheme?

  • The Union Cabinet has approved a new centrally sponsored scheme of ₹ 27,360 crores for the development of over 14,000 schools across the country as PM Schools for Rising India ( PMSHRI).
  • The scheme is expected to benefit 1.87 million students.
  • Under the scheme, more than 14,000 schools, including Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas as well as schools run by state governments and local bodies, will be strengthened to emerge as PMSHRI Schools.
  • Prime Minister announced the scheme on September 5 on Teachers Day to upgrade and modernise existing schools from amongst those managed by the central and state governments, as well as local bodies.

Centrally Sponsored Scheme

  • A centrally sponsored scheme is one in which the cost of implementation is mostly split in a 60:40 ratio between the Union government and the states/UTs. The mid-day meal scheme (now PM Poshan) or the PM Awas Yojana are examples of centrally sponsored schemes.
  • In the case of the Northeastern states, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir the Centre’s contribution can go up to 90 per cent. PM SHRI will be implemented at a cost of Rs 27,360 crore over the next five years, in which the Centre’s share will be Rs 18,128 crore.

Features of the Scheme

  • General Features:
    • The selected schools will be monitored vigorously to assess progress and understand the challenges faced in the implementation of the new National Education Policy (NEP), 2020.
    • It will provide high quality education in an equitable, inclusive and joyful school environment.
    • It will take care of the diverse background, multilingual needs, and different academic abilities of children.
    • It will endeavour to make them active participants in their own learning process as per the vision of NEP 2020.
    • The PMSHRI Schools will provide leadership to other schools in their respective regions by providing mentorship.
  • School Identification Methodology:
    • The PM SHRI scheme will be application-based, which means states will have to identify schools for upgradation under the scheme. Subsequently, schools will be required to self-apply online. The portal will be opened four times a year, once every quarter, for the first two years of the scheme.
    • According to the selection methodology decided by the central government, states and UTs interested in getting included under the scheme will have to first agree to implement the NEP in its entirety. Also, only those schools that meet a certain benchmark will qualify — the qualification criteria will include around 60 parameters from the availability of electricity to toilets.
    • In the third stage, teams of state government officials, KVs, and JNVs will verify the claims made by the applicant school through a physical inspection. “Maximum two schools (one Elementary & one Secondary/ Senior Secondary) would be selected per block/ ULB…” (urban local body) as per the plan. The final call will be taken by an expert committee.

How different these Schools will be

  • Green Schools
    • These schools will be developed as ´Green schools´, incorporating environment friendly aspects like solar panels and LED lights, nutrition gardens with natural farming, waste management and plastic free.
    • Water conservation and harvesting, the study of traditions and practices related to the protection of the environment, climate change related hackathon and awareness generation to adopt a sustainable lifestyle will also be included.
  • Pedagogy
    • Pedagogy adopted in these schools will be more experiential, holistic, integrated, play and toy based (particularly, in the foundational years) inquiry driven, discovery oriented, learner centred, discussion based, flexible and enjoyable.
  • Resource Utilisation
    • It will include assessment of resources available and their effectiveness in terms of availability, adequacy, appropriateness, and utilisation for each of the domains and their key performance indicators.
    • It will look for filling of gaps in a systematic and planned manner.
  • Skill Development and Employment Generation
    • PM SHRI Schools will be linked with Sector Skill Councils and local industry for enhancing employability and providing better employment opportunities will also be explored.

Key features of NEP 2020

  • The NEP for schools envisages a curricular structure and teaching style categorised in four stages: foundational, preparatory, middle, and secondary.
  • According to the NEP, the foundational years (pre-school and grades I and II) should involve play-based learning. At the preparatory level (grades III-V), light textbooks are to be introduced along with some formal classroom teaching.
  • Subject teachers are to be introduced at the middle level (grades VI-VIII). The secondary stage (grades IX-XII) will be multidisciplinary, with no hard separation between arts and sciences or other disciplines.
  • It also proposed that board exams be held twice a year, including one for helping students to improve their scores, and that two types of papers on mathematics should be offered — a standard paper, and a different one to test higher levels of competency.

Source: Business-Standard,  Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. Critically analyse the recently launched PM SHRI scheme at the backdrop of the poor government school infrastructure across the country. (250 words).