Nod to Extend Gram Swaraj Scheme : Daily Current Affairs

Relevance: GS-2: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, Institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.

Key Phrases: Sustainable Development Goals, Healthy village, Cooperative Federalism, Power Devolution, Incentivisation, Transparency, Mission Antyodaya Clusters, Gram Panchayat Development Plan, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Public Finance Management System (PFMS)

Why in News?

  • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved a proposal to continue the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA), a scheme for improving the governance capabilities of Panchayati raj institutions, till 2025-2026.
  • The CCEA, approved the extension of the scheme that ended on March 31 at a total financial outlay of ₹5,911 crore, of which ₹3,700 crore would be the Centre’s share and ₹2,211 crore the States’ share.

About Revamped RGSA Scheme:

  • Under the revamped RGSA, the focus will shift towards "capacitating" the elected representatives of PRIs for leadership roles to develop an effective third tier of government.
  • The approved scheme of RGSA will help more than 2.78 lakh rural local bodies…to develop governance capabilities to deliver on SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals] through inclusive local governance with focus on optimum utilisation of available resources.
  • The scheme would work towards “poverty free and enhanced livelihood in villages; healthy village, child friendly village; water sufficient village; clean and green village; self-sufficient infrastructure in village; socially secured village; village with good governance; engendered development in village”.
  • It would lead to strengthening the panchayats and inculcation of a spirit of healthy competition. No permanent posts would be created under the scheme but “need-based contractual human resources may be provisioned for overseeing the implementation of the scheme and providing technical support to States/UTs”.
  • Will help bridge the gap between the rural and urban areas.

Do you know about Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan?

  • Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) was launched on 24th April 2018 National Panchayat Day' as an umbrella scheme of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India. It is a unique scheme proposed to develop and strengthen the Panchayati Raj System across India in the rural areas.

What are the Objectives of RGSA?

  • Develop governance capabilities of PRIs to deliver on the SDGs.
  • Enhance capabilities of Panchayats for inclusive local governance with focus on optimum utilization of available resources and convergence with other schemes to address issues of national importance.
  • Enhance capabilities of Panchayats to raise their own sources of revenue.
  • Strengthen Gram Sabhas to function effectively as the basic forum of people’s participation, transparency, and accountability within the Panchayat system.
  • Promote devolution of powers and responsibilities to Panchayats according to the spirit of the Constitution and PESA Act 1996.
  • Develop a network of institutions of excellence to support capacity building and handholding for PRIs.
  • Strengthen institutions for capacity enhancement of PRIs at various levels and enable them to achieve adequate quality standards in infrastructure, facilities, human resources and outcome based training.
  • Promote e-governance and other technology driven solutions to enable good governance in Panchayats for administrative efficiency and improved service delivery.
  • Recognize and incentivize PRIs based on performance

Salient Features of RGSA:

  1. To ensure:
    • Basic orientation training for the Elected Representatives (ERs) of Panchayats, within 6 months of their election.
    • Refresher trainings to be ensured within 2 years.
    • Capacity Building of ERs with Priority to Aspirational Districts and Mission Antyodaya clusters.
    • Strengthening of the Panchayat – SHG partnership
  2. To bridge gaps in:
    • Capacity Building and Training (CB&T),
    • Gram Panchayat infrastructure,
    • Use of IT for distance learning & for e-Enablement of Panchayats,
    • Institutional support for innovations,
    • Gap filling support of economic development & income enhancement.
    • Technical support including Human Resource (HR) based on identified gaps.
    • To provide handholding support by Academic Institutions/ Institutions of excellence to GPs for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) formulation.
    • To promote provision of adequate manpower at GP level & to provide support for technical manpower.
    • To support greater e-enablement of Panchayats for e-governance to enhance efficiency and transparency with thrust on Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) Applications developed by the Ministry.
    • To facilitate Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Public Finance Management System (PFMS), use and Geotagging of assets in Gram Panchayats.

What are the Activities supported?

What are the expected outcomes of RGSA?

  • Enhanced capabilities of Panchayats for good governance and attainment of SDGs through participatory local planning, democratic decision making, transparency and accountability.
  • Increased use of e-governance and technology driven solutions at the Panchayat level to attain administrative efficiency, improved service delivery & greater accountability.
  • Building Institutional structure for capacity building at the National, State & District levels with adequate infrastructure, facilities, and human resources.


  • The scheme is designed keeping in view programmatic convergence with Mission Antyodaya Gram Panchayats and 115 Aspirational districts as identified by NITI Aayog.
  • As panchayats have representation of SCs, STs and women, and are institutions closest to the grassroots, strengthening panchayats will promote equity and inclusiveness, along with social justice and economic development of the community.
  • The scheme will strengthen Gram Sabhas to function as effective institutions with social inclusion of citizens particularly the vulnerable groups.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:

Q. Government has recently extended the tenure of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan Scheme. Discuss the role the scheme can play in strengthening the Panchayati Raj Institutions to work as institutions of effective local governance. (250 words).