Kudumbashree Yogya project to ensure all women below the age of 50 clear SSLC in Malappuram : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 29/03/2023

Relevance: GS-2: Development Processes and the Development Industry — the Role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders.

Key Phrases: Kudumbashree Yogya project, poverty eradication, women empowerment, microcredit, entrepreneurship, Community Development Societies, literacy initiative, Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) examination.

Why in News?

  • The Kudumbashree, a women's empowerment and poverty eradication program in Kerala, has launched a new project called Kudumbashree Yogya project in the district of Malappuram.

What is Kudumbashree?

  • Kudumbashree is a poverty eradication and women empowerment program implemented by the State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM) of the Government of Kerala. (Kudumbashree means prosperity of the family in Malayalam)
  • It was set up in 1997-98 following the recommendations of a three-member Task Force appointed by the State government.
  • Three critical components of the program are microcredit, entrepreneurship, and empowerment.
  • The mission aims at the empowerment of women, through forming self-help groups and encouraging their entrepreneurial or other wide range of activities.
  • Kudumbashree has a three-tier structure for its women’s community network, with
    • Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the lowest level,
    • Area Development Societies (ADS) at the middle level, and
    • Community Development Societies (CDS) at the local government level.
  • The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India recognized Kudumbashree as the State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) in 2011.

Kudumbasree Yogya project

  • The Yogya project is a literacy initiative launched by the Kudumbashree in collaboration with local bodies, cooperative institutions, and various government and non-government departments.
  • The project aims to provide education and support to women below the age of 50 who have not yet passed the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) examination.
  • The Yogya project is an ambitious initiative that seeks to create a revolution in women's education in the region.
  • The Yogya literacy project launched in the Malappuram district will prepare 4,000 women to write the SSLC examination in the first year.
  • As many as 2,000 women will also be equipped to write the higher secondary examination.

Selection Process and Registration:

  • A survey conducted by the Kudumbashree found that 15,000 women in the district had not yet cleared the SSLC examination.
  • The selection process for the Yogya project involves identifying eligible candidates through the Kudumbashree community development societies (CDS).

Significance of the Kudumbashree Yogya project:

  • Empowerment of women:
    • The project aims to ensure that all women below the age of 50 in the district clear the SSLC examination, which will empower them with basic education and help them make better decisions in their personal and professional lives.
  • Addressing the issue of illiteracy:
    • The Kudumbashree Yogya project targets the issue of illiteracy in the district, which will not only benefit the individual women but also the society as a whole.
  • Support from multiple stakeholders:
    • The project is being implemented with the support of local bodies, cooperative institutions, and different government and non-government departments, which shows the commitment of various stakeholders toward the cause of women's education.
  • Model project:
    • Officials have stated that the Yogya project will be a model for the entire state, which could potentially lead to the replication of the project in other districts and states.
  • Access to facilities and resources:
    • Women registering for the Yogya project can utilize the facilities of the Literacy Mission and other government agencies for training.
    • This will help them access resources that would have otherwise been unavailable to them.
  • Sponsorship opportunities:
    • The Kudumbashree will sponsor the examination fee of the Literacy Mission, and there will be sponsorships by cooperative societies, private agencies, and individuals.
    • This will reduce the financial burden on the women and make the project more accessible.
  • Training and Coaching:
    • Women registering for the Yogya scheme can utilize the facilities of the Literacy Mission and other government agencies for training.
    • Coaching will be given through youth clubs, auxiliary groups, and village libraries.
  • Emphasis on marginalized areas:
    • The district coordinator has stated that special emphasis will be given to coastal and tribal areas, which will help address the issue of educational inequality in these regions.


  • The Yogya project launched by the Kudumbashree Mission is a step towards women empowerment and poverty eradication in the district.
  • By providing education and training to women, the project aims to enable them to become financially independent and contribute to the development of their families and society.
  • It is a commendable initiative that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the lives of many women in the district.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the impact of the Kudumbashree initiative on women empowerment and poverty alleviation in Kerala. Do you think this model can be replicated in other states of India to address similar issues? Analyze with suitable examples.