Kerala’s Kudumbashree program to empower poor women is at a crossroads : Daily Current Affairs

Date : 30/05/2023

Relevance: GS-2: Government Policies and Interventions for Development in various sectors and Issues arising out of their Design and Implementation; Role of SHGs.

Key Phrases: Kudumbashree program, Poverty Eradication to Community Empowerment, State Poverty Eradication Mission, fostering self-supporting women's groups, Multifaceted Approach, micro and small-scale industries, political visibility.

Why in News?

  • Kerala's Kudumbashree program, launched in 1998, aimed to empower poor women financially and socially.
  • What began as an experiment with thrift and credit societies soon transformed into a multifaceted initiative that touched various aspects of society.
  • Over the years, Kudumbashree has expanded its reach, collaborating with local governments and implementing a range of projects.
  • However, as the program celebrates its 25th anniversary, it faces new challenges in addressing the aspirations of the tech-driven new generation and advancing gender equality.

The Evolution of Kudumbashree:

  • From Poverty Eradication to Community Empowerment:
    • Under the leadership of the E.K. Nayanar-led government, the State Poverty Eradication Mission was initiated, which later became known as the Kudumbashree Mission.
    • The program focused on fostering self-supporting women's groups to combat poverty effectively.
    • With the support of NABARD and other financial institutions, Kudumbashree's informal banking system with microfinancing gained momentum.
  • A Multifaceted Approach:
    • Kudumbashree's impact extended beyond credit programs, encompassing self-employment, entrepreneurship, skill development, gender support, and social inclusion.
    • The program successfully replicated its model in 20 states, strengthening the link between community organizations and local governments.
  • Wide-Ranging Initiatives:
    • Kudumbashree initiatives have made a tangible difference in people's lives.
    • Community restaurants, branded products, micro and small-scale industries, waste management volunteers, gender helpdesks, e-service centres, all-women construction sites, and animal birth control programs are some of the areas where Kudumbashree has left its mark.
    • It also serves as the nodal agency for numerous central and state schemes.

Empowering Women and Ensuring Representation:

  • Political Visibility and Equal Representation:
    • The flourishing of Panchayati Raj Institutions and equal representation of women in local bodies have provided a conducive environment for Kudumbashree’s progress.
    • With 54% representation of women among local body members, 70% of whom are from Kudumbashree, the program has gained political visibility and influence.
  • Growing Membership and Thrift Deposit:
    • Kudumbashree boasts over 46 lakh members, with an additional five lakh in auxiliary groups.
    • The program's overall thrift deposit stands at an impressive ₹8,000 crore, reflecting the financial stability achieved through collective efforts.

Addressing Challenges and Embracing Change:

  • Skilling for Employment and Entrepreneurship:
    • As Kudumbashree enters its 25th year, it faces the task of aligning with the aspirations of the new generation.
    • The program focuses on skill development among educated members of auxiliary groups, aiming to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial prospects.
  • Diversifying Enterprise Opportunities:
    • Criticism has arisen regarding the concentration of gendered vocations among the 1.08 lakh micro-enterprises facilitated by Kudumbashree.
    • To ensure productive auxiliary groups, it is essential to provide women with more time for personal growth.
    • The establishment of ward-level day-care centres and day homes for the elderly becomes a prerequisite for fostering such an environment.
  • Promoting Social Change and Gender Equality:
    • Moving beyond victim protection, Kudumbashree acknowledges the need for a deeper social transformation.
    • It aims to shift the focus towards an unwavering assertion of women's rights, marking a critical step forward in combating gender violence.


  • As the Kudumbashree program reaches its 25th year, it stands at a crossroads, navigating the aspirations of a new generation and the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
  • While the program has made significant strides in empowering women and eradicating extreme poverty, there is still work to be done.
  • By addressing gender disparities, fostering skill development, and embracing social change, Kudumbashree can continue to be a beacon of empowerment, transforming the lives of women and communities in Kerala and beyond.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the significance and achievements of Kerala's Kudumbashree program in empowering poor women and eradicating poverty.