India's 'Look West' Approach: Strengthening Regional Engagement and Capitalizing on Opportunities : Daily News Analysis

Date : 03/07/2023

Relevance: GS-2: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora

Key words: National Security Advisor, integrated approach, 'Look West', Economic Integration, Counterbalancing China's Influence, Diplomatic Partnerships.


India's recent outreach towards West Asia, under the framework of the "12U2" grouping initiative, reflects a deepening of its engagement in the region. This approach aims to navigate shifting dynamics, counterbalance China's influence, and enhance economic integration, diplomatic partnerships, and regional connectivity. The 'Look West' approach holds significant importance for India, offering opportunities for growth and strengthening ties with West Asian countries.

Significance of India's 'Look West' Approach:

1. Economic Integration:

  • India seeks to enhance economic integration with West Asian countries through the 'Look West' approach. This involves promoting trade, investment, and economic cooperation, leading to increased regional connectivity and economic growth.

2. Energy Security:

  • West Asia's abundant oil and gas reserves make it crucial for India's energy security. The 'Look West' approach facilitates closer cooperation in the energy sector, ensuring a steady and reliable supply of crude oil and natural gas to India.

3. Infrastructure Development:

  • The initiative focuses on building connectivity through rail networks, roads, and sea lanes between West Asia and South Asia. This promotes the development of crucial infrastructure projects, enhancing regional connectivity and facilitating trade and people-to-people exchanges.

4. Counterbalancing China's Influence:

  • India aims to counterbalance China's growing presence in the region through its 'Look West' approach. By offering an alternative model of connectivity and development, India serves as a counterweight to China's Belt and Road Initiative, addressing concerns over the "debt trap" and fostering sustainable growth.

5. Diplomatic Partnerships:

  • Strengthening diplomatic partnerships is a key aspect of India's 'Look West' approach. Through engagement with West Asian countries, India enhances its diplomatic ties and promotes strategic cooperation on regional and global issues, including security, counterterrorism, and stability in the region.

6. Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges:

  • The 'Look West' approach fosters cultural exchanges, tourism, and people-to-people contacts between India and West Asian countries. This promotes mutual understanding, strengthens regional ties, and contributes to closer cooperation.

7. Security Cooperation:

  • Enhanced engagement in West Asia enables India to expand its security cooperation with regional countries. This includes joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism efforts, contributing to regional stability and security.

8. Diaspora Engagement:

  • India's significant diaspora in West Asia plays a crucial role in the 'Look West' approach. By emphasizing the welfare and protection of the Indian diaspora, India promotes their rights and encourages their active participation in the development and growth of both India and West Asian countries.

Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges:

Recent developments, such as the Abraham Accords and the restoration of ties between regional powers, create a favorable environment for India's engagement in West Asia. However, challenges remain, including land connectivity issues with strained relations with Pakistan and the need to balance relations with Russia, China, and the West. Alternative routes and partnerships can be explored to address connectivity challenges, while a balanced approach is necessary to ensure favorable outcomes.


India's 'Look West' approach signifies a strategic shift in its foreign policy, aiming to strengthen engagement in West Asia. By enhancing economic integration, energy security, infrastructure development, and diplomatic partnerships, India seeks to capitalize on opportunities and navigate regional dynamics. Challenges exist, but with continued efforts, India can transform projects into reality, strengthen regional ties, and achieve its goals in the region.

Probable Questions for Mains Examination

  1. Discuss the significance of India's 'Look West' approach in strengthening regional engagement and countering China's influence in West Asia. Analyze its implications for India's economic integration, energy security, and diplomatic partnerships in the region. (10 Marks, 150 words)
  2. The 'Look West' approach adopted by India holds immense potential for enhancing regional connectivity and fostering strategic cooperation in West Asia. Examine the key pillars of this approach and their impact on India's security cooperation, cultural exchanges, and diaspora engagement. Also, discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with India's engagement in the region. (15 Marks, 250 words)

Source – Indian Express