India-Myanmar: Distant Friends : Daily Current Affairs

Relevance: GS-2: India and its neighbourhood

Key phrases: Junta, democracy

Why in news?

  • Foreign secretary paid a visit to Myanmar


Importance of Myanmar

  • Gateway to SE Asia-country which can act as link between India and ASEAN- it is the only ASEAN country sharing border with India
  • 1600 km long land border and maritime border in BOB-4 states- Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur
  • Being in golden triangle- it is vulnerable to drugs, insurgency and arms trafficking – India undertook a cross border operation destroying camps of Arakan army on border
  • National security: Myanmar-China border has become the epicentre of local armed separatist groups operating on Myanmar soil, and Indian groups, ranging from ULFA in Assam to the NSCN (IM) in Nagaland.
  • Economic interests: India has interests in natural resources of Myanmar and also developing certain projects like India–Myanmar–Thailand trilateral highway and Kaladan multi-modal project which is to link India’s landlocked north-eastern States
  • Countering China: A failed Myanmar state at India’s doorstep and a weakened Myanmar falling into the clutches of China as a satellite state will pressurize India to do Beijing’s bidding in regional affairs

Cooperation with Myanmar

  • India is the second largest export market for Myanmar after Thailand
  • Beneficiary of duty free trade for Least developed country (LDCs)
  • India's investments in gas and their oil sector-extended 2 billion dollars soft loans-assistance in setting up higher learning institutions India Myanmar industrial training centres
  • Shared history of Buddhism and colonialism
  • 2 million Indian origin people living there-origin of the Indian community in Myanmar is traced to the mid-19th century with the advent of the British rule in Lower Burma in 1852
  • No cost visas to the Burmese visiting India
  • Restoration of Ananda temple in Bagan by India

Persisting issues

  • Insurgency fuelled by porous border- Naga insurgents taking shelter- for example NSCN Khaplang
  • India's snail pace implementation of infra projects in Myanmar causing resentment and non realisation of the potential-for instance, there is a need to expedite progress of India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and

Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport

  • Increasing Chinese presence in Myanmar while India has failed to keep up the momentum in region - Chinese investment in Kyaukpyu port- Myanmar joined BRI
  • China investing in Myanmar after country's international isolation on Rohingya issue - trying to find a gateway in Indian Ocean through this- china Myanmar economic corridor- china leveraging the situation when Myanmar is ignored by us japan etc. due to Rohingya issue
  • Conflict in Rakhine-home to Kaladan project

Way ahead

  • Emerging market of 60 million people with immense trade and investment opportunities-high end smart phones, cement etc.
  • India’s economic involvement in Myanmar has largely been through public sector and caused delay in projects-rope in private sector
  • Co-operation on larger initiatives, such as the sale of refined petroleum products from the Numaligarh refinery in upper Myanmar
  • Businesses on both sides, especially Small and Medium Enterprises in contiguous provinces and border haats can energise exchange of local produce
  • Leverage soft power like culture and Buddhism to further strengthen bilateral ties.

Source: Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. To what extent is India-Myanmar bilateral ties important for the success of India’s Act East Policy? How can soft power be leveraged to rejuvenate this bilateral relationship? (15 Marks, 250 Words)