India Is Not Ready To Trade Water As Just Another Commodity Yet : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 07/10/2022

Relevance: GS-3: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development, and Employment.

Key Phrases: water trading, water futures, Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act, 2005, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Murray-Darling basin, futures, and spot trading of water.

Why in News?

  • India has 18% of the world’s population with only 4% of its water resources, making it one of the most water-stressed geographies in the world.
  • Climate change is likely to exacerbate this pressure on water resources. Ironically, India faces drought and flood at the same time in different parts.
  • The centrality of water in agriculture, business, and human existence make this scarcity and uncertainty difficult to ignore.
  • One solution being suggested is the creation of a formal water market for its trading.

What is water trading?

  • Water trading is a voluntary exchange or transfer of a quantifiable water allocation between a willing buyer and seller.
  • In a water trading market, the seller holds a water right or entitlement that is surplus to its current water demand, and the buyer faces a water deficit and is willing to pay to meet its water demand.

What exactly are water futures?

  • Water futures simply means investors get to trade water just as they have been doing with gold or copper or oil.
  • Scarcer a commodity, the more valuable it becomes. Let's now understand the futures part.
  • Futures are short for futures contract-essentially a pact entered by two parties to buy a commodity (water in this case) at a time in the future they agree upon now.
  • Futures enable traders to bet on the price of a commodity in the future. In this case, futures help investors make money on the assumption that water will become scant and therefore, costlier.

World practices:

  • The Chicago Mercantile Exchange launched water trading, like oil, gold, etc, in 2020.
  • Water-commodity contracts, known as ‘water futures’, have been linked to California’s $1.1 billion spot water market.
  • The Murray-Darling basin in Australia is another example; it allows water trading at the regional level using tradable permits.

Efforts by India in this direction:

  • The Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act, 2005, is experimenting with bulk-water entitlements as a precursor to introducing individual water entitlements and eventually trading in water.
  • India is planning to start water trading at commodity exchanges.
  • The Niti Aayog is in the process of putting out draft recommendations for public consultations, pitching various options, including futures and spot trading of water and tradable licenses.


  • Water availability management:
    • Increased flexibility to manage variation in water availability (water allocations) within and across seasons. For example:
      • Water rights holders who are not currently using their full water allocation may sell or lease the unwanted allocation to another water user; or
      • Farmers and businesses who need more water allocation in the current year or water entitlement
  • Efficient price discovery:
    • The aim is to establish water as an economic asset, as scarcity will increase its value exponentially.
    • Also, once a market is created, voluntary trading between rational buyers and sellers would help in efficient price discovery.
    • An efficient price would guide water resources to their highest valued use and help establish relative values, which is essential to understand the value of competing use cases. It also helps in achieving allocative and productive efficiency.
  • Reduce the government’s expense on drought relief:
    • Rain-dependent agriculture could be insured against droughts by locking in prices in the water futures market, which would substantially reduce the government’s expense on drought relief.
  • Attract investment:
    • It would also attract investment, leading to better technologies adopted and water wastage reduced.

Challenges ahead:

  • Low economic gain in reality:
    • In reality, however, given high transaction costs, asymmetries of information, power dynamics, and weak institutions, the gains from trade may not be as high as economic theory suggests.
  • Existing trading systems may be an exception:
    • It is not always obvious that the creation of a market would solve the problem.
    • Before taking the initial steps towards a market, we must recognize that existing trading systems in the US, Australia, China, and Chile are more of an exception than the norm.
    • Against this backdrop, this policy intervention requires careful analysis.
  • Defining property rights:
    • The first step towards creating any market is defining property rights to the assets that are to be traded.
    • Currently, rights over water resources in India are linked with land—the owner of a piece of land effectively owns the groundwater. This limits the supply of water to the economically vulnerable.
    • Water futures can help solve this problem, but a lot depends on how our legislation is crafted.
  • Regulation:
    • If such a market is not regulated well, it will lead to corporates and high-value users dominating the sector.
  • Cartelisation:
    • There is also the possibility of cartels arising, which could hinder the access to water of a majority of people.
  • Infringement of Rights:
    • There is also a potent risk of the fundamental rights of equality and life being infringed.
    • About 80% of groundwater is used in agriculture, which employs about half of our workforce.
    • Commercial commodification might have implications for the rights to food, employment, and water that must be assessed.
  • Interstate water conflicts:
    • India faces massive water conflicts between states, making it critical for the political economy.

Way forward:

  • There is a thriving informal water market in the country, as it is witnessed that neighbourhood supply through water tankers increases during summer months.
  • This unregulated market ensures the right to water is protected without the obligation being placed entirely on the state. But this comes at a cost, both in terms of its price and the quality of water supplied.
  • Here, there is a critical trade-off between water as a basic human right and an economic asset.
  • The key is to regulate it in a way that rights are protected and speculators/cartels do not get the upper hand.
  • Perhaps the big challenge is to administer water rights: grant licenses, permits, or other legal titles, i.e., that allow for tradable rights and extraction from water bodies.
  • To enable futures trading in the water, either the existing statute needs to be modified, or a separate statute for the creation of a water futures exchange needs to be passed for quenching the thirst of a water-scarce economy.

Source: Live-Mint

Mains Question:

Q. What are the opportunities and challenges in the creation of a formal water market for futures and spot trading of water in India? Discuss.