India-Afghanistan Relations : Daily Current Affairs

India-Afghanistan Relations

In News

Indian officials have made silent visit to Qatar to talk about Taliban and Afghanistan relations.


Indian officials wanted to talk to Taliban’s political leadership based in Doha. This meeting was planned because Taliban will play important role in Afghanistan’s future.

With regard to this Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani is going to meet US President on 25th June to discuss about the situation after US-NATO troops withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden will reassure Afghanistan to support in diplomatic, economic and humanitarian manner.

It has been made clear by Qatar that meetings held at this time will only focus on peaceful talks between Afghanistan and Taliban. No attempt of Taliban will be accepted to overpower Afghanistan and disturb the peace of the nation.

Afghanistan is a neibhouring country of India and Pakistan and strategically very important. India has helped Afghanistan economically a lot and it wants peace and stability in the region.

Indian government is in contact with various stakeholders while pursuing its long term commitment towards development and reformation of Afghanistan.

Qatar has established Taliban’s main office in Doha in 2013 and has also organized Intra Afghan Dialogue or Afghan-Taliban talks that started in September, 2020.

India and Afghanistan has strong relationship based on historical and cultural links. It has been further strengthened by the Strategic Partnership Agreement signed between two countries in October, 2011 which reinforced the strong, vibrant and multi-faceted relations between the two countries and at the same time formalized a framework for cooperation in various areas between the two countries.