How to Create a More Gender Inclusive Workplace : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 28/03/2023

Relevance: GS-1: Women Empowerment and related Issues.

Relevance: GS-2: Education and Skill Development.

Key Phrases: Time Magazine, bropropriation, Economic Survey, Literacy Gap, Gender Disparity, Periodic Labour Force Survey, NSO, Women Empowerment, Workforce, Unemployment Rate, Strategy for New India 75, Expenditure-saving work, SDG 8.


  • A study conducted by Catalyst found that women in India are more likely to have their contributions ignored or dismissed, and that they are less likely to receive credit for their work.
  • The Time magazine had recently coined the word “bropropriation” to mean the act of men taking credit for women’s ideas or work in the workplace. ]

Key Highlights:

  • Economic Survey (2022-23) acknowledged that official statistics may have inadequately captured the true nature of women’s work in India.
    • This inadequacy affects both how we perceive women’s economic contributions and the policies we develop to enhance women’s economic participation.

What is the issue of bropropriation?

  • The newly coined word “bropropriation”means the act of men taking credit for women’s ideas or work in the workplace, and it is a common phenomenon in many countries including India.
    • Many senior female executives agree bropropriation is a common experience for them.
  • To put a stop to bropropriation at senior levels, companies can take a number of steps to promote fairness, equality, and collaboration in the workplace.
  • When there is increased attention on gender diversity and inclusion at workplaces, companies implementing policies must look at minimizing this aspect for better inclusivity.

What is needed?

  • Awareness among employees on the issue:
    • Training sessions or workshops on the topic should be offered, which can help employees recognise and understand the behaviours that lead to bropropriation.
  • Foster a culture of inclusivity and collaboration:
    • Senior leaders of organizations can model these behaviours by openly acknowledging and crediting the contributions of others.
    • This can be through public recognition or a formal rewards system.
    • When senior leaders set an example of inclusivity and collaboration, it can encourage others to do the same.
  • Promote gender diversity in the C-suite:
    • Having more women in senior leadership positions can help reduce the likelihood of bropropriation.
    • Women who hold positions of power are more likely to be seen as equals and have their contributions recognised and valued.
  • Create clear communication channels:
    • Open and honest communication among colleagues can be encouraged by creating a culture that values feedback and discussion.
    • This can be done through regular team meetings, performance reviews, and one-on-one conversations.
  • Implement accountability measures:
    • This can be done through a formal grievance process or through anonymous reporting systems.
    • Employees should get the confidence to report instances of bropropriation without fear of retaliation.
    • Companies should also be prepared to take swift action when such instances are reported in order to ensure that the behavior is stopped and that the affected employee is appropriately recognised.

Periodic Labour Force Survey

  • About:
    • National Statistical Office (NSO) launched the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) in April 2017.
  • Objective:
    • To estimate the key employment and unemployment indicators (viz. Worker Population Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate) in the short time interval of three months for the urban areas only in the ‘Current Weekly Status’ (CWS).
    • To estimate employment and unemployment indicators in both ‘Usual Status’ (ps+ss) and CWS in both rural and urban areas annually.
  • Terminology:
    • Labour Force Participation Rate:
      • LFPR is defined as the percentage of persons in labour force (i.e. working or seeking or available for work) in the population.
    • Unemployment Rate:
      • UR is defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force.
    • Worker Population Ratio (WPR):
      • WPR is defined as the percentage of employed persons in the population.
    • Activity Status- Usual Status:
      • The activity status of a person is determined on the basis of the activities pursued by the person during the specified reference period.
      • When the activity status is determined on the basis of the reference period of the last 365 days preceding the date of survey, it is known as the usual activity status of the person.
    • Activity Status- Current Weekly Status (CWS):
      • The activity status determined on the basis of a reference period of last 7 days preceding the date of survey is known as the current weekly status (CWS) of the person.
    • Principal activity status:
      • The activity status on which a person spent relatively long time (major time criterion) during 365 days preceding the date of survey, was considered the usual principal activity status of the person.
    • Subsidiary economic activity status:
      • The activity status in which a person in addition to his/her usual principal status, performs some economic activity for 30 days or more for the reference period of 365 days preceding the date of survey, was considered the subsidiary economic status of the person.

Way Forward:

  • Expanding the definition of work immediately expands the number of women workers - including almost the total adult female population in India — and softens the stigma of low female work participation rates in India.
    • It also dovetails with the feminist advocacy that has sought recognition of women’s unpaid work.
  • By valorising women’s diverse activities, we may treat their vulnerabilities as strengths and fail to acknowledge the lack of access to income-generating activities for women.


  • By valuing and respecting the contributions of all employees, regardless of gender, a more collaborative and productive workplace can be created which is vital to achieve inclusive economic growth and provide avenues of decent work conditions for all workers in line with Sustainable Development Goals 8

Source: The Hindu BL

Mains Question:

Q. What do you understand by ‘bropropriation’? Suggest some measures to address the issue of bropropriation. (150 Words).