High-speed Internet : How will India Develop a 6G Network? : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 24/03/2023

Relevance: GS-3: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-technology, Biotechnology, and issues relating to Intellectual Property Rights.

Key Phrases: 6G communications technology, vision document, ultra-low latency, research and innovation, Bharat 6G project, spectrum for 6G, Industry 4.0, leading global supplier of intellectual property, Integrated Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) Forum.

Why in News?

  • Prime Minister has unveiled a vision document for the rollout of 6G communications technology in India by 2030.

Identification of priority Areas:

  • India will identify priority areas for research by involving all stakeholders including industry, academia, and service providers spanning theoretical and simulation studies, proof-of-concept prototypes and demonstrations, and early market interventions through startups.

Huge opportunity:

  • At present, the total annual purchase of smartphones is greater than 16 crore smartphones for about 30 crore Indian households.
  • This means that every household today is buying smartphones at an average of one phone every 2 years.
  • A similar amount is being spent annually on two-wheelers, suggesting that an average Indian finds a personal smartphone as valuable, and necessary, as a personal vehicle.

What is 6G?

  • 6G does not exist yet, but it is conceived as a far superior technology that promises internet speeds up to 100 times faster than 5G.
  • While 5G at its peak can offer internet speeds up to 10 gigabits per second, 6G promises to offer ultra-low latency with speeds up to 1 terabit per second.
  • 6G use cases will include remote-controlled factories, constantly communicating self-driven cars, and smart wearables taking inputs directly from human senses.
  • However, the challenge with 6G technology is balancing growth with sustainability, as most 6G-supporting communication devices will be battery-powered and could have a significant carbon footprint.

What is India’s 6G roadmap?

  • Phases of Implementation:
    • The 6G project will be implemented in two phases, with an apex council overseeing the project and focusing on issues such as standardization, spectrum identification, creating an ecosystem for devices and systems, and financing research and development.
    • In phase one, support will be provided for explorative ideas, risky pathways, and proof-of-concept tests.
    • In phase two, ideas and concepts that show promise and potential for acceptance by the global peer community will be adequately supported to develop them to completion, establish their use cases and benefits, and create implementational IPs and testbeds leading to commercialization.
  • Spectrum:
    • The government will have to explore shared use of spectrum, particularly in the higher frequency bands for 6G.
    • A reassessment and rationalization of congested spectrum bands, and adoption of captive networks for Industry 4.0 and enterprise use cases will also have to be done.
  • Funding:
    • To fund research and innovation on 6G, the document recommended the creation of a corpus of INR 10,000 crore to facilitate various funding instruments such as grants, loans, VC funds, fund of funds, etc., for the next ten years.
  • Standardization:
    • To decide on standardization around 6G and related technologies, the document called for India to take on a greater role in various international bodies such as 3GPP, ITU, IEC, and IEEE.

What is India’s immediate action plan?

  • The government has set up a Bharat 6G project and appointed an apex council to oversee the project and focus on issues such as standardization, identification of the spectrum for 6G usage, create an ecosystem for devices and systems, and figure out finances for research and development, among other things.
  • The apex council will facilitate and finance research and development, design and development of 6G technologies by Indian start-ups, companies, research bodies, and universities.
  • It will aim to enable India to become a leading global supplier of intellectual property, products, and solutions of affordable 6G telecom solutions and identify priority areas for 6G research based on India’s competitive advantages.
  • A key focus of the council will be on new technologies such as Terahertz communication, radio interfaces, tactile internet, artificial intelligence for connected intelligence, new encoding methods, and waveforms chipsets for 6G devices.

How are other regions looking at the 6G rollout?

  • South Korea:
    • It has outlined a 6G research and development plan with Rs 1200 crore worth of investments in the first phase running till 2025, for attaining global leadership, developing key original technologies, making significant contributions to international standards and patents, and building a strong foundation for 6G research and industry.
  • Japan:
    • The Integrated Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) Forum has published its Vision 2030 white paper for 6G, which laid out key technology directions for infrastructure evolution in four dimensions:
      • cognitive capacity,
      • responsiveness,
      • scalability, and
      • energy efficiency.
  • China:
    • China is also pursuing key developments in 6G, expecting it to support connectivity plus sensing plus AI, with security implemented by design throughout the network.


  • The rollout of 6G technology promises to be a significant game-changer for the telecom industry.
  • With India's ambitious plan to launch 6G services by 2030, the country aims to stay at the forefront of technology and innovation.
  • The government's focus on stakeholder engagement, standardization, and financing research and development will be crucial in achieving this goal.
  • The successful implementation of the 6G project will not only enhance the user experience but also have a significant impact on the country's economic growth.

Source: The Indian Express

Mains Question:

Q. Discuss India's roadmap for the rollout of 6G communication technology by 2030, its potential impact on the country's economy, and the challenges that need to be addressed to achieve this goal.