Govt. Readies Plan for Sweeping Policy Interventions for Restoring Women’s Dignity : Daily Current Affairs

Date : 29/05/2023

Relevance: GS-1: Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

Key Phrases: One Nation-One Helpline, Niti Aayog, Criminal Justice System, UNICEF, Gender-Sensitive Curriculum, Women-Led Development, Disparity, Gender Equality.


  • The Centre intends to rope in multiple ministries and States to lay out different plans for gender parity and restoring dignity of women.


  • In a commendable effort to promote gender equality and restore the dignity of women, the Indian government is set to launch a comprehensive initiative.
  • This ambitious plan, devised in consultation with the Niti Aayog, various ministries, and experts, aims to address the issue of women's empowerment through policy interventions, gender sensitization, and improvements in the criminal justice system.
    • The plan encompasses a range of initiatives to be implemented by different ministries and states.
  • These measures will be discussed during the upcoming meeting of the 8th Governing Council of Niti Aayog, where key stakeholders including the Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, and Lt Governors of Union Territories will convene.

One Nation, One Helpline

  • One of the pivotal components of this initiative is the creation of "One Nation, One Helpline" by integrating all helplines for women under a single emergency response number, '112'.
  • The Ministries of Women and Child Development, along with the Ministry of Home Affairs, will collaborate to establish this unified helpline.
  • Additionally, this helpline will be linked with "One Stop Centres" and "District Child Protection Units," which offer comprehensive support and solutions for those affected by violence.
    • This integrated system will ensure a prompt and efficient response to women in distress.

Preventing Child Marriages

  • India currently has the highest number of child brides in the world, according to UNICEF.
    • To address this pressing issue, the social welfare department of the Union Ministry of Social Justice will oversee the efforts of states and union territories to increase the number of child marriage prohibition officers.
  • These officers will play a vital role in preventing child marriages and safeguarding the rights of young girls.
    • By strengthening the enforcement of existing laws, the government aims to protect vulnerable children and ensure their well-being.

Gender-Sensitive Curriculum

  • Recognizing the importance of education in shaping attitudes and beliefs, the Ministry of Education will be entrusted with the task of developing a gender-sensitive curriculum.
    • This curriculum will focus on upholding the dignity of women and promoting respect for their rights.
  • The Niti Aayog suggests incorporating case studies and problem-solving activities into school curricula to encourage critical thinking and gender sensitization among children.
  • Short films, animated videos, and posters will also be utilized to create awareness and educate students on appropriate behavior.
    • Moreover, teachers will receive training to effectively impart values and foster positive behavioral practices among children.

Empowerment Hubs for Women

  • The government plans to establish "hubs for empowerment of women" at the state, union territory, and district levels. These hubs will serve as centers to support and empower women by providing various resources and opportunities.
  • Additionally, women's hostels will be established in industrial and economic zones to facilitate safe and accessible accommodations for working women.
    • The promotion of women self-help groups (SHGs) as brands and unicorns will also be a focus area.
  • This multi-pronged approach aims to create an enabling environment for women's economic and social empowerment.

Private Sector Engagement

  • Recognizing the importance of private sector participation, the government expects the cooperation of companies and entities in promoting gender equality.
  • The government plans to introduce a Gender Equality Index-based ranking of the top 500 companies, requiring them to disclose their compliance with the Maternity Benefit Act, the Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) at Workplace Act, 2013, and the Code on Industrial Relations.
    • By encouraging transparency and accountability, the government aims to create a more inclusive and safe work environment for women.
  • The Ministry of Finance will oversee the monitoring and recognition of the best-performing women SHGs in each district, fostering financial discipline and empowering women at the grassroots level.
  • The Ministry of Industries and Commerce will coordinate efforts to support and promote women entrepreneurship by partnering with selected companies, MSMEs, and woman SHGs.

Enhancing Women's Representation in Key Roles

  • The government recognizes the need to increase women's representation in various sectors. Special recruitment drives will be conducted to encourage women to pursue careers as forest guards, drivers, bus conductors, tourist police, and guides.
  • By diversifying traditionally male-dominated fields, the government aims to provide more opportunities for women to excel and contribute to society.
  • Furthermore, the plan includes the dedication of local food streets to women SHGs, promoting their economic independence and entrepreneurial spirit.

Monitoring through an Inter-operable Criminal Justice System

  • To ensure effective monitoring of crimes against women, the government plans to implement an inter-operable criminal justice system (ICJS).
  • This system, developed as part of the Supreme Court's e-committee, will enable seamless transfer of data and information among courts, police, jails, and forensic laboratories.
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of this aspect, ensuring efficient collaboration and sharing of vital information for swift investigation and justice delivery.


  • The government's comprehensive plan for gender parity and empowering women in India includes policy interventions to restore women's dignity.
  • Through collaboration among ministries and states, the plan addresses emergency helplines, child marriage prevention, education, economic empowerment, and efficient criminal justice systems.
  • By fostering gender sensitivity, promoting women's participation, and ensuring accountability, the government aims to create an equitable and inclusive society.
  • The success of this initiative hinges on effective implementation, commitment, and monitoring to restore women's dignity and secure their rightful place in society.

Source: The Business Line

Mains Question:

Q. Explain the key components of the government's plan for sweeping policy interventions to restore women's dignity. Discuss how these interventions aim to address gender parity and empower women in India. (250 words)