Global TB Report 2021 : Daily Current Affairs

Global TB Report 2021


Recently, the World Health Organisation released the global TB Report 2021 which indicated that COVID-19 pandemic has reversed years of global progress in tackling tuberculosis and for the first time in over a decade, TB deaths have increased.

Major findings

  • According to report’s estimation, some 4.1 million people currently suffer from TB but had not been diagnosed with the disease or had not officially reported to national authorities.
  • There has been a reduction in provision of TB preventive treatment.
  • Around 2.8 million people accessed a reduction of TB preventive treatment in 2020. There has been reduction in the number of people treated for drug resistant TB by 15% from 1,77,000 in 2019 to 1,50,000 in 2020.
  • In the year 2020, more people died from TB and very few people being diagnosed and treated or provided with TB preventive treatment compared to 2019.
  • A reduction has been seen in overall spending on essential TB services.
  • India’s position– India (41%) was on the list of countries which topped those that contributed most to the global reduction in TB notifications between 2019 and 2020. India along with Indonesia, Philippines, China and 12 other countries accounted for 93% of the total global drop in notification.
  • Challenges in reduction of TB and its evidence
  1. disruption in access to TB services.
  2. reduction in availability of resources.
  3. gaps in diagnosis, treatment and care.
  4. lack of funding and investment.

Key facts to remember

  • Tuberculosis – It is caused by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis which belongs to mycobacteriaceae family. TB most commonly affects lungs which is called pulmonary TB and other organs then it is called as extra-pulmonary TB. Transmission of TB occurs from person to person through air (sneeze, spit, cough).
  • BCG (Bacille-Calmette-Guerin) is the only vaccine available for the prevention of TB which was first used in humans in 1921. In India, it was introduced in 1948 and became a part of National TB Control Programme in 1962.
  • India has also launched National Strategic Plan for tuberculosis Elimination (2017-2025), the Nikshay Ecosystem, Nikshay Poshan Yojana, TB harega desh Jeetega campaign. India is among the eight countries that accounts for two thirds of the new TB cases.

World Health Organisation (WHO)-

  • It was established on 7 April, 1948 and is a specialized agency of UN that looks into the matters of public health
  • Its headquarter is located in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO has 194 member countries and full membership of the WHO is only guaranteed with the ratification of treaty called- the Constitution of the World Health Organisation.
  • WHO celebrates World Health Day on 7 April every year. Theme for 2021-“build a fairer, healthier World.”