Geopolitics: The Dominant Force in International Relations : Daily News Analysis

Date : 28/06/2023

Relevance: GS Papers 2: international relations

Key Words: QUAD, Indo- US relations, Democracy, National Security

Context -

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States emphasizes the primacy of geopolitics and national security over economics and democracy in international relations. While discussing the relevance of these considerations to Indo-US relations, it explores the changing US narrative on China, the emerging strategic partnership between India and the US, and the potential implications for regional security.
  • Additionally, it touches upon the significance of India's democratic system and its role in shaping perceptions and partnerships.

Global South's Assertion In Geopolitics

What is Geo-Politics?

Geopolitics is the study of the effects of Earth's geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations. Geopolitics focuses on political power linked to geographic space, in particular, territorial waters and land territory in correlation with diplomatic history.

Geopolitics Overrides Other Considerations:

The Role of Security:

  • In international relations, security is a paramount concern, as highlighted by Thomas Hobbes' argument that order and security are essential for human life.
  • Nations prioritize security to ensure freedom, development, and justice for their citizens.

The Shift in US-China Relations:

  • US-China tensions and India-China border clashes have propelled India into a strategic position in American calculations.
  • The assumption that economic engagement with China would lead to political liberalization has been challenged under Xi Jinping's leadership, prompting the US to reassess its approach.

Security Overlaps:

  • With shared security concerns related to China, India, and the US have strengthened their strategic partnership.
  • Despite not having a formal alliance, the US has granted India access to advanced defense technologies, signifying their close collaboration.

Measures and Implications:

Reshaping Alliances:

  • The changing perception of China has resulted in the revitalization of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), consisting of India, Japan, Australia, and the US.
  • This alliance aims to address security concerns arising from China's assertiveness.

Taiwan Factor:

  • The fear of China potentially seeking to capture Taiwan militarily has increased global apprehension.
  • The US is preparing for this possibility, and India's concerns about the Sino-Indian border have positioned it favorably in the evolving geopolitical scenario.

Economics and Democracy:

Economic Significance:

  • India's growing market size and potential long-term stability make it an attractive prospect for American corporations, particularly amid escalating US-China tensions.
  • Investments are driven by strategic calculations and considerations of US security interests.

The primacy of Geopolitics:

  • Throughout history, US foreign policy has often prioritized geopolitics over democracy. Collaborations with authoritarian regimes like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia exemplify this approach.
  • While India has electoral democracy differentiates it from autocratic nations like China and Russia.


The Quad is a diplomatic network of four countries committed to supporting an open, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient.

Objectives of QUAD

  • The Spirit of the Quad’, the group’s primary objectives include maritime security
  • Combating the Covid-19 crisis, especially vis-à-vis vaccine diplomacy
  • Addressing the risks of climate change
  • Creating an ecosystem for investment in the region and boosting technological innovation
  • To secure a rules-based global order, freedom of navigation and a liberal trading system
  • Consistently, it is seen as a strategic grouping to reduce Chinese domination
  • Quad members have also indicated a willingness to expand the partnership through a so-called Quad Plus that would include South Korea, New Zealand, and Vietnam amongst others.

Significance of Quad for India: Countering China and Shaping the Indo-Pacific

  • Security Support: As a Quad member, India can seek support from other nations in countering Chinese hostilities on its borders, enhancing its defense capabilities through collaboration.
  • Strategic Exploration: India can leverage the Quad's naval cooperation to conduct strategic explorations and patrols in the Indo-Pacific region, reinforcing its presence and asserting its interests.
  • Shared Vision: The Quad aims to establish an Indo-Pacific region that is free, open, inclusive, and devoid of coercion. This is crucial for India, given China's aggressive behavior in the region.
  • Maintaining Dominance: The Quad provides India with a platform to enhance security through partnerships in the Indian Ocean Region, enabling India to assert its role as a net security provider.
  • Rule-Based Order: India supports a rule-based multipolar world, and the Quad can assist India in achieving its aspiration of becoming a regional superpower through collective efforts and shared values.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: The pandemic-induced disruptions in global supply chains have highlighted the need to reduce dependence on China. India can leverage its manufacturing expertise and engage with the Quad to establish alternative supply chain bases.

China's Perception of the Quad:

  • China has consistently opposed the Quad and accused it of inciting discord among regional powers. Beijing perceives the Quad as an encirclement strategy.
  • The Quad is seen as anti-China, its joint statements do not directly mention China or military security. Experts speculate that the Quad aims to address China's economic and technological influence while encouraging cooperation.

Challenges to the Quad Grouping:

  • Lack of Structure: Unlike traditional multilateral organizations, the Quad lacks a definitive structure, secretariat, or permanent decision-making body, focusing on expanding existing agreements and shared values.
  • Addressing China's Concerns: China's economic leverage over Quad members, particularly Australia, poses a challenge in maintaining unity and addressing China's concerns without compromising interests.
  • Imbalanced Cooperation: The Quad members differ in financial resources, strategic awareness, and military capabilities in the Indian Ocean, potentially creating imbalances within the group.
  • Coherent Actions: The Quad's joint commitment to combating terrorism and the willingness of the US to allocate resources post its Afghanistan withdrawal may impact the group's credibility.

Way Forward

  • Strategic Cooperation: Incremental steps should be taken to deepen military cooperation among Quad countries, ensuring a credible joint response if needed, without provoking an outsized reaction from China.
  • Leveraging Geography: Each Quad member can enhance maritime capabilities in their respective geographic areas of interest to maintain a beneficial multipolar order and complicate China's two-ocean strategy.
  • Enhancing Joint Capabilities: The Quad can focus on improving interoperability, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, shared logistics, and capability development to counterbalance China effectively.

The Quad holds immense significance for India in countering China's rise, ensuring regional stability, and advancing its strategic interests. By leveraging the Quad's cooperation, India can actively shape the Indo-Pacific region and enhance its role as a key player in a multipolar world.


Geopolitics remains the dominant force in international relations, shaping alliances and partnerships. India's strategic position and security concerns have enhanced its relationship with the US. Also, India's electoral democracy makes it an important player in global affairs.

Probable Questions for Mains Exam-

  1. Discuss the significance of geopolitics in shaping international relations, with a focus on India's strategic position and security concerns. (10 Marks,150 words)
  2. "Discuss the evolving Indo-US relations in the context of the changing US narrative on China. Analyze the significance of the Quad Alliance in addressing regional security concerns and countering China's influence. Evaluate the role of India's democratic system and national security considerations in shaping strategic partnerships in international relations." (15 Marks,250 Words)

Source : The Indian Express