Geopolitic s of Artificial Intelligence: Lessons from India's Nuclear History : Daily News Analysis

Date : 7/12/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 3 – Science and Technology

Keywords: GPAI Summit, Nuclear Age, Ethical Considerations, IAAI


  • The convergence of geopolitics and technological progress has once again taken center stage, with discussions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) drawing parallels to the nuclear age.
  • India is set to host the GPAI summit in New Delhi between December 12 and 14, 2023. Amidst global efforts to comprehend and regulate AI, India finds itself at a critical juncture, drawing insights from its intricate nuclear history.
  • While nuclear and AI technologies differ, the challenges related to governance, geopolitical rivalry, and ethical considerations share commonalities. As major powers such as the United States and China engage in AI competition, India is compelled to glean lessons from past mistakes and strategically position itself in the evolving landscape of AI technologies

About GPAI Summit 2023

  • The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India is pleased to announce that it will assume the role of Lead Council Chair for the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and will host the prestigious GPAI Summit in New Delhi from December 12 to 14, 2023.
  • The GPAI Summit brings together engaged minds and expertise from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organisations and academia to foster international cooperation on the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society.
  • This summit will focus on various critical aspects of AI, including responsible AI, data governance, future of work and innovation and commercialization.
  • GPAI is a multi-stakeholder initiative bringing together leading experts from science, industry, civil society, international organizations, and government that share values to bridge the gap between theory and practice on AI by supporting cutting-edge research and applied activities on AI-related priorities. GPAI is a congregation of 28 Member Countries and the European Union. India had joined the group as a founding member in 2020.

Lessons from the Nuclear Age

  • While nuclear technology and artificial intelligence (AI) differ significantly, they share certain similarities.
  • The unveiling of the nuclear revolution occurred with the deployment of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, revealing immense destructive power and prompting global leaders and scientists to contemplate strategies for mitigating threats to humanity's survival in the nuclear era.
  • In a parallel manner, the AI revolution poses a potentially greater catastrophe— the prospect of machines surpassing human control and subjugating them.
  • Unlike nuclear technology, which fell short of its economic potential by not delivering "electricity too cheap to meter," AI holds the promise of fundamentally transforming the economy, society, and governance on a broader scale.

Geopolitical Dynamics of AI

  • As in the nuclear era, AI's rapid advancement sparks discussions on arms control agreements and international norms. The United States and China, analogous to the Cold War superpowers, dominate the discourse on AI.
  • Recent agreements between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping highlight the urgency of regulating military AI. However, despite efforts to manage competition, both nations actively pursue AI development, mirroring the Cold War arms race.
  • Efforts to regulate AI extend beyond bilateral agreements, with proposals for an "International Agency for Artificial Intelligence" (IAAI) reminiscent of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) established in 1957 for nuclear energy regulation.
  • While the creation of an IAAI may be a distant prospect, the United States focuses on building alliances through initiatives like the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), emphasizing collaboration and military deterrence.

India's Strategic Positioning

  • As India hosts the GPAI summit, it must draw crucial lessons from its nuclear history to navigate the complexities of AI.
  • Firstly, the era of disarmament idealism that hindered clear thinking on nuclear weapons is behind us, providing an opportunity for India to approach AI with strategic clarity. The luxury of procrastination, present in the nuclear domain, is absent in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.
  • Secondly, building on the momentum of partnerships, particularly with the United States, is vital for India's AI aspirations. Historical instances, such as President John F. Kennedy's offer to assist India in building a nuclear weapon, underscore the importance of leveraging alliances for technological advancement. While past hesitations have hindered progress, the current government's emphasis on cooperation signals a positive shift that requires swift policy implementation.
  • Thirdly, India must avoid the temptation of proclaiming exceptionalism and pursuing a "third way" in technological development. The lessons from the 1970s, where political posturing set India back significantly, underscore the need for a pragmatic approach. Acknowledging the universality of science and technology, India should focus on building robust domestic capabilities in AI, with a pivotal role for the private sector.

Domestic Imperatives and Global Collaboration

  • To enhance its position in the global AI hierarchy, India needs a multifaceted approach. Strengthening domestic capabilities is paramount, necessitating active involvement from the private sector.
  • Unlike the government-led technological advancements of the past, the contemporary AI landscape sees the private sector spearheading research, development, and innovation in the West.
  • The recent initiatives by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to open up Science and Technology (S&T) sectors are commendable but represent only a preliminary step.
  • The urgency to reform India's technology sector is evident, requiring comprehensive policies that align with the rapidly evolving AI landscape. International cooperation, especially with the United States and like-minded nations, should be pursued vigorously to capitalize on collective expertise and resources.


As India stands at the crossroads of AI development, the lessons from its nuclear history provide a valuable guide. Strategic clarity, collaborative partnerships, and a pragmatic approach are imperative to navigate the geopolitical complexities of AI. The urgency to build strong domestic capabilities, involving the private sector, cannot be overstated. By learning from past mistakes and embracing a forward-looking strategy, India has the opportunity to position itself as a key player in the global AI landscape, contributing to the responsible and ethical development of artificial intelligence.

Probable Questions for UPSC mains Exam-

  1. Examine the geopolitical parallels between India's nuclear history and the challenges in Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance. Discuss how lessons from the nuclear era can guide India in strategically positioning itself in the evolving AI landscape. (10 marks, 150 words)
  2. Evaluate the recommended strategies for India to strengthen its position in global Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. How can India balance fostering domestic capabilities with private sector involvement and international collaboration, especially with the United States, to contribute to responsible AI development? (15 marks, 250 words)

Source- The Indian Express