G20 Summit's Decade-Long Journey: Progress and Challenges in Gender Equality : Daily News Analysis

Date : 14/09/2023

Relevance: GS paper 2 - Social Justice - Women Empowerment

Keywords: G 20 Summit, Stereotyping, Societal Attitude, Glass Ceiling


  • Over a decade has passed since the inaugural G20 Summit in Washington DC, and while significant strides have been made in addressing global issues, gender inequality remains a pervasive concern in many nations.
  • Women continue to grapple with unequal access to education, employment opportunities, healthcare services, and legal rights. Moreover, they are often denied fundamental human rights, such as the right to vote or participate in public life. This has led to a widening gender gap across all facets of society.

G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration : Daily News Analysis | Dhyeya ...

Current Areas of Concern Related to Women in India:

  • Gender Gap in Literacy: Despite government efforts to promote equal education opportunities, women in rural areas of India still experience low literacy rates.
  • Accessibility to Education: Many rural schools are located far from residential areas, making it unsafe for women to travel long distances for education.
  • Traditional Practices: Practices like female infanticide, dowry, and early marriage discourage the education of girls due to economic reasons.
  • Gender Role Stereotyping: Traditional gender roles persist, with men often seen as the primary breadwinners, leading to prejudice and discrimination against women.
  • Socialization Differences: Rural areas maintain distinct socialization norms for men and women, dictating their behavior and expectations.
  • Underrepresentation in Politics: Women are underrepresented in legislative bodies, ranking low globally in the number of elected female representatives.
  • Safety Concerns: Women in India continue to face threats such as domestic violence, rape, trafficking, forced prostitution, and sexual harassment.
  • Period Poverty: Limited access to sanitary products and menstrual education, along with inadequate sanitation facilities, hinders proper menstruation management.
  • Glass Ceiling: Women in India, like in many countries, confront social barriers that hinder their advancement to top management positions.

Pathways to Equality: Advancing Gender Goals in the G20 Compendium

  • "Pathways to Equality: Advancing Gender Goals in the G20" offers a comprehensive assessment of critical issues faced by women in G20 nations. This compendium serves as a vital resource for those seeking to understand how gender equality can be advanced, offering both a theoretical framework and practical insights.
  • This compendium is structured around three overarching themes: Social and Environmental, Political, and Economic, encompassing a wide array of vital gender equality topics.
  • This compendium draws from a diverse range of fields, including politics, business, and society. It encompasses themes such as the importance of equality, the journey towards a gender-equal future, and the amplification of gender vulnerabilities amid the pandemic.

Economic Empowerment

  • One of the pivotal strategies to address gender inequality is enhancing economic opportunities for women. Extensive research demonstrates that when women are economically empowered, societies thrive.
  • By ensuring women have equal access to education and employment opportunities, G20 countries can harness the immense potential of their female workforce.
  • This not only fosters economic growth but also enhances overall stability. To achieve this, it is imperative to expand and robustly support programs promoting financial literacy, vocational training, and women's business development.
  • Equipping women with the requisite skills and resources empowers them to surmount barriers and contribute actively to their economies.

Changing Societal Attitudes

  • Transforming societal attitudes concerning women's roles is equally critical
  • Deep-seated discriminatory norms and stereotypes continue to impede progress towards gender equality.
  • Societies must identify and reject these harmful gender biases that stifle women's potential.
  • Education plays a pivotal role in driving this transformation by challenging ingrained gender norms and promoting equality.
  • Implementing comprehensive gender education programs in schools, centered on debunking stereotypes and fostering equal opportunities, can reshape societal perceptions and cultivate more inclusive attitudes towards women.

Legislative Reforms

  • In addition to education, legislative reforms are indispensable for dismantling systemic barriers hindering gender equality.
  • Governments must take proactive measures to ensure women's equal access to healthcare, legal rights, and political representation.
  • This includes addressing gender-based violence, securing reproductive rights, advocating for equal pay for equal work, and enacting legislation safeguarding women's rights in all spheres of life.
  • It is imperative to put in place laws and policies that shield women from discrimination and violence, ensuring their enactment, enforcement, and regular evaluation to assess their effectiveness.

The Road Ahead

  • While commendable progress has been made in combating gender inequality, there remains substantial work ahead. G20 countries have demonstrated their commitment to this cause, but it is essential to expand and bolster programs that empower women economically, challenge societal attitudes, and fortify legal frameworks.
  • By taking concrete actions to narrow the gender gap, G20 nations can create inclusive societies where women enjoy equal access to opportunities, wield decision-making influence, and contribute fully to social, economic, and political development. Achieving gender equality transcends human rights—it serves as a catalyst for sustainable development and shared prosperity.

Various Government Initiatives Promoting Gender Equality in India:

A. Legal Provisions:

  • Equal Remuneration Act, 1973: This legislation ensures that men and women receive equal pay for similar work without discrimination. The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, of 2008, extends social security to workers, including women in the unorganized sector.
  • Maternity Benefit Act, 1961: Regulates the employment of women in specific establishments, providing maternity and related benefits.
  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013: Protects women of all ages and employment statuses from sexual harassment in both public and private workplaces.
  • Hindu Succession Act, 1956: Amended in 2005, this act grants women equal inheritance rights to family property, making them absolute owners.

B. Government Schemes:

  • Support to Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP): Aims to ensure sustainable employment and income generation for marginalized women in rural and urban areas.
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK): Provides microfinance services to empower economically disadvantaged women.
  • National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW): Enhances overall processes promoting the holistic development of women.
  • One Stop Centre: Offers integrated support to women affected by violence.
  • Sabla Scheme: Focuses on the holistic development of adolescent girls aged 11-18 years.
  • Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY): Provides conditional maternity benefits to pregnant and nursing women to improve health and nutrition.
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP): Addresses the declining Child Sex Ratio and empowers women across their life cycle.
  • Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY): Offers cash incentives to pregnant and nursing mothers to enhance health and nutrition.
  • National Nutrition Mission (NNM): Aim to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women, reducing anemia in women and children.
  • Mahila e-Haat: An online marketing platform for women entrepreneurs, self-help groups (SHGs), and NGOs.
  • Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra: Empowers rural women through community participation to unlock their full potential.


Gender inequality persists globally, but recent initiatives within the G20 countries show a commitment to address it. By prioritizing gender equality, the G20 nations can lead by example and inspire others to follow suit. Achieving gender equality requires sustained collaboration and sharing of best practices. This Compendium aims to inform G20 discussions on various challenges and opportunities women face in the 21st century, contributing to a better understanding of gender equality.

Probable Questions for UPSC Mains Exam-

  1. How have G20 countries demonstrated their commitment to advancing gender equality, and what concrete actions can they take to further narrow the gender gap in various facets of society? (10 Marks,150 Words)
  2. In what ways can education, legislative reforms, and changing societal attitudes collectively contribute to dismantling systemic barriers hindering gender equality, both in India and on a global scale? (15 Marks,250 Words)

Source- The Hindu