Education as a Human Right: A Paradigm Shift in Odisha's Public Education System : Daily News Analysis

Date : 23/11/2023

Relevance: GS Paper 2- Social Justice- Education

Keywords: Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas (OAV), 'Mo School' Abhiyan, 5T-High School Transformation Programme, SDG


Education is a fundamental human right, and its accessibility and affordability are crucial for inclusive development. An inclusive approach to education ensures that every individual's unique needs are considered, fostering a learning environment where all learners participate and achieve together. In India, public education faces challenges, particularly regarding the perceived poor quality of government schools.

However, the state of Odisha has embarked on revolutionary reforms, transforming its public education sector through initiatives such as Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas (OAV), 'Mo School' Abhiyan, and the 5T-High School Transformation Programme.

Inclusive Education: A Human Right

  • The right to education is designed to guarantee everyone's access to quality education throughout life. Inclusivity in education recognizes that each child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities, and learning needs. Special attention is given to learners at risk of marginalization or exclusion.
  • In the Indian context, the challenge lies in the perceived poor quality of government schools, leading parents to prefer private institutions. The Odisha government, however, has initiated transformative reforms to bridge this gap and make government schools superior in infrastructure, affordability, and quality.

Key features of New Education Policy 2020

    Comprehensive Coverage:

  • The policy encompasses school education, higher education, and professional education.
  • It includes specific agricultural, legal, medical, and technical education domains.
  • Educational Verticals:

  • Covers vocational education, teacher education, and research and innovation.
  • Encompasses a broad spectrum of educational pathways.
  • Integration of Early Child Care and Education:

  • Proposes the integration of early child care and education within the Ministry of Education.
  • Suggest a name change for the Ministry of Human Resource and Development to reflect this integration.
  • Foundational Skills:

  • Introduces a new structure of 5+3+3+4 for education.
  • Focuses on foundational skills in the first stage (ages 3-8) with an emphasis on discovery learning and play.
  • Mission mode approach for foundational literacy and numeracy skills, including programs like the National Tutors’ Program and remedial instructional aid.
  • Recognizes the critical role of nutrition in the development of children aged 3-8.
  • Educational Stages:

  • Defines educational stages as Foundational Stage (ages 3-8), Preparatory Stage (ages 8-11), Middle Stage (ages 11-14), and Secondary Stage (ages 14-18).
  • Tailors educational approaches to the specific needs and developmental stages of students.
  • Governance Changes:

  • Recommends governance-level changes for school education.
  • Proposes the establishment of State regulatory authorities to regulate education across the country.
  • These authorities will decide the accreditation of different schools.
  • Government Involvement:

  • Asserts that the government will continue to fund and operate education in the country.
  • Reflects a commitment to public-sector involvement in education.

Odisha's Model of Public Education

OAV Model

  • The Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya (OAV) model addresses challenges faced by students seeking admission to Kendriya Vidyalaya schools after the first standard.
  • OAVs provide admission at the secondary stage, aiming to bridge the rural-urban education gap. With 315 English medium co-ed OAVs across rural and semi-urban areas, the model ensures representation for marginalized groups through reservations. By offering various coaching facilities, OAVs enable students to crack national-level tests, exemplified by 24 OAV students successfully passing the NEET exam in July 2023.
  • To promote social equity, the OAV model focuses on continuous teacher education programs, maintaining a teacher-pupil ratio of 1:25.
  • Leveraging digital technology, the Enterprise Resource Planning system and OAV Sangathan website monitor academic and non-academic progress, allowing timely strategic interventions. Plans are underway to transform OAVs into scientifically upgraded Centres of Excellence, fostering innovation and inquiry-driven learning.
  • Education World India School Rankings 2022-23 ranked the OAV in Polasara and two more OAVs among the top 10.

Mo School Abhiyan

  • Launched in 2017, the Mo School Abhiyan mobilizes the alumni community to contribute to revamping government schools in Odisha.
  • The School Adoption Programme enables alumni to make financial contributions to their adopted schools, creating a sense of community involvement and support.

5T-High School Transformation Programme

  • Rooted in the 5T concept (transparency, technology, teamwork, timeliness, Transformation), this program, initiated in 2021, focuses on adopting educational technology in high schools.
  • It introduces smart and digital classrooms, e-libraries, modern science laboratories, improved sanitation facilities, and sports facilities.
  • The program also caters to the needs of specially-abled children, providing assistive devices and tailored teaching-learning materials. Campaigns like 'Mo School Hockey Clubs' and 'Football for All' contribute to the holistic development of students' personalities.

Outcome of Inclusivity

  • This proactive approach has led to a significant shift in enrollment patterns. In 2019-20, private schools had 16,05,000 students, reducing to 14,62,000 in 2021-22. Currently, 81% of students in the State are studying in government schools.
  • The program has also resulted in a higher enrollment of female students (43,410) compared to males (30,949).
  • Notably, 31 vulnerable children, victims of abuse, trafficking, child labor, and child marriage, were rescued and prepared for OAV entrance in 2021.

Suggestions for an Integrated Approach

Integrated Approach

  • To accelerate progress towards the 2030 agenda, educational institutions and universities in India should collaborate.
  • An integrated approach would enhance the impact of educational initiatives and promote a cohesive, nationwide strategy.

Multidisciplinary Outlook

  • Universities should reinvigorate themselves to play a more active role in education, innovation, culture, and civic life.
  • Embracing a multidisciplinary outlook, universities can contribute to community health, energy-saving measures, efficient resource allocation, waste reduction, and the development of local skills.
  • Collaboration with other universities and external partners should become a cultural norm.

Role in Socio-Economic Development

  • Education must be directly integrated with socio-economic development, ensuring that schools and universities contribute meaningfully to the well-being and nation-building of every citizen.
  • This perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of education with broader societal goals.

Strengthening the Research-Teaching Nexus

  • Universities should prioritize strengthening the research-teaching nexus in university education.
  • This ensures that students directly benefit from the knowledge generated through research activities, fostering a dynamic and informed learning environment.

Adopting Sustainability as a Mantra

  • It is imperative for universities to adopt sustainability as a guiding principle and incorporate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their institutional strategies.
  • This involves integrating sustainability into daily administration, teaching, and research, aligning educational practices with global environmental and social objectives.

Way Forward

  • The education system requires sustained investment and a heightened focus on the needs of disadvantaged children. Government-industry collaboration is crucial for continuous skill enhancement and training to elevate teachers to global standards.
  • The transformative initiatives in Odisha serve as a model for inclusive and quality education, emphasizing the potential for positive change when innovative approaches are embraced.


Odisha's journey towards inclusive education showcases the transformative power of targeted initiatives and collaborative efforts. The success of the OAV model, Mo School Abhiyan, and the 5T-High School Transformation Programme underscores the potential for systemic change. By adopting a holistic approach that addresses infrastructure, affordability, and quality, Odisha has demonstrated that public education can not only compete with but surpass private alternatives, thereby making strides towards truly inclusive development.

Probable Questions for UPSC mains Exam-

  1. How does the Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya (OAV) model address the rural-urban education gap and enhance the quality of education, particularly in English medium, for students in rural and semi-urban areas? (10 Marks,150Words)
  2. What impact does the 'Mo School' Abhiyan have on community involvement and alumni contributions in improving government schools in Odisha? How has this initiative influenced enrollment patterns in government schools, and what factors contribute to its success? (15 Marks,250Words)

Source- Indian Express