ECO Circuit : Daily Current Affairs

ECO Circuit

In News

Ministry of Tourism has identified eco tourism as one of the ‘niche tourism’ areas for development in the country and to promote it the ministry has identified ‘Eco Circuit’ as one of the 15 thematic circuits under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme.


It is the primary responsibility of the state government and Union Territories to promote and develop tourism including Eco Tourism. Although Ministry of Tourism provides financial assistance to develop tourism related infrastructure and facilities in the country.

The projects under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme are identified for development in consultation with the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations.

Ministry of Tourism has been emphasizing on conservation of environmental integrity, considering the importance of developing tourism in an ecologically sustainable manner.

The Eco tourism circuit aims at creating a positive interface between tourists and nature.

For the global and domestic tourists to appreciate the diverse eco-tourism products in India, the circuit aims to create nature and environment friendly destinations.

The Ministry of Tourism has evolved Sustainable Tourism Criteria for India (STCI) for major segments of the tourism industry, that is; accommodation, tour operators, beaches, backwaters, lakes and river sectors, etc., applicable for the entire country. The parameter has been evolved after consultations with the various stakeholders.

Ministry of Tourism has made it compulsory for the authorized tourism service providers such as tour operators, adventure tour operators, and travel agents etc., to follow the Code of Conduct for safe and sustainable Tourism.

Swadesh Darshan Scheme

India’s rich cultural, historical, religious and natural heritage provides a huge potential for development of tourism and job creation in the country. There is a great scope and need to develop tourist circuits on specific themes to attract the tourists having special interest in visiting such places. This can be achieved only through an integrated approach by providing engaging experiences for distinct categories of tourists i.e. Domestic and International.

Various themes which are unique and specific to the area can include beaches, culture, heritage, wildlife etc. Such theme based tourist circuits should be developed in a manner that supports communities, provides employment and fosters social integration without comprising upon the environmental concerns and provides unique experiences to the tourists.

In due recognition to this the Government of India, Ministry of Tourism (MoT) launched the Swadesh Darshan Scheme (Central Sector Scheme) – for integrated development of theme based tourist circuits in the country in 2014-15.