Digital Address Code : Daily Current Affairs

GS-2: Government Policies & Interventions.

Key phrases: Digital Address Code, Aadhaar, geo-spatial, QR code, Alpha numerical, one nation one address.

Why in News:

  • The Department of Posts under the Ministry of Communications has released a Draft Approach Paper for creating a Digital Address Code or DAC for each and every address in the entire country. The DAC is to do for addresses as Aadhaar has done for identity – create a unique ID, using geo-spatial coordinates.

What is Digital Address Code (DAC)?

  • It is being created by the Department of Posts, Government of India. Under this arrangement, each house will have its own separate code.
  • Digital address code would be a unique numeric or alphanumeric representation of the geospatial coordinates.
  • This will be a unique code similar to the number of the Aadhaar card, which will be given to every citizen of India according to their address. In simple words, if there is a two storey building, and it has 10 flats, then each flat will have its own code. If there is a two storey house, and two families live in it, then separate codes will be formed for both the families.

How is the Digital Address Code (DAC) being created?

  • Every address in the country will be identified to create a Digital Address Code. After identifying the address, it will be linked to the geospatial coordinates.
  • By doing this, the address of every citizen of the country will be recognized not by his street or locality but by the code consisting of unique numbers and letters.
  • Recently, the Department of Posts has released the Approach Paper of the Draft Digital Address Code on its official website. So that the stakeholders can give their feedback and suggestions on this. If DAC gets the approval, then it will prove to be very beneficial for the countrymen.

How will the DAC code work?

  • You can use the DAC code by typing it or you will be able to get the exact location of the house by scanning it like a QR code.
  • After the introduction of the DAC code, you will get rid of the hassle of feeding the address for any work. You will also be able to view digital maps with the help of DAC codes.

Scope of Digital Address:

  • An address comprising references to physical attributes like roads etc. would easily get outdated and hence would not meet the permanence criterion. Digital address code would be a unique numeric or alphanumeric representation of the geospatial coordinates. So changeable parameters like street numbers/ names, colony names etc. would not become a part of the Digital Address.
  • DAC would be linked to geospatial coordinates representing the address. Coordinates at the entrance or gate to the address would represent the address for this purpose.
  • However, in the case of sensitive establishments, the DAC may not be issued or it may be linked to coordinates of a “neighbourhood” or city.
  • DAC would be unique for each address i.e. each individual dwelling unit or office or business. For example, each flat in an apartment would get separate DAC. This code would be permanent for each address.
  • An address comprising references to physical attributes like roads etc. would easily get outdated and hence would not meet the permanence criterion. Digital address code would be a unique numeric or alphanumeric representation of the geospatial coordinates. So changeable parameters like street numbers/ names, colony names etc. would not become a part of the Digital Address.

Benefits of Digital Address Code (DAC):

  • The draft proposal has listed some of the following benefits of DAC:
    • The proposed DAC would be linked to geospatial coordinates. It will help provide address authentication as an online service.
    • The DAC would help in simplifying the KYC verification process in business sectors like banking, insurance, telecom etc. This would further result in reduced cost of doing business.
    • DAC online authentication combined with Aadhaar authentication would be a truly digital eKYC,
    • The DAC may lead to higher productivity and quality of service in delivery services, especially E-Commerce. It would also help reduce E-Commerce fraud.
    • DAC is expected to simplify the delivery and implementation of Government Schemes.
    • The adoption of DAC would lead to increased financial and administrative efficiencies across sectors like property taxation, emergency response, disaster management, election management, infrastructure planning and management, census operations and grievance redressal.
    • The DAC is expected to fulfil the requirements put forth regarding One Nation One Address (ONOA) by the Working Group of Ministers on Employment Generation and Skill Development dated 22nd October 2020.

Why Digital Address Code (DAC) is necessary?

  • The DAC code will act as a permanent code, after which services like e-commerce will become very easy. Also, many tasks like tax filing, EKYC and address verification will be done easily with the DAC code without having to feed the address.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question:
Q. What do you understand by Digital Address Code? How it will help in realizing the dream of One Nation One Address?