Cyber Yuan : Chinese e-Currency : Daily Current Affairs

Cyber Yuan : Chinese e-Currency

In News

The Chinese government has created a digital currency controlled by its central bank named as Cyber Yuan.


Credit cards and online payment apps have made money dealings a sort of virtual.

China’s this new digital currency is controlled by its central bank that will issue the new electronic money. This move of China’s government will provide vast new mechanism to monitor both its economy and its people.

This Chinese digital currency will negate one of Bitcoin’s major shortcomings where user is anonymous.

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and other central banks of the world are planning at evolving digital currencies that partake in making domestic and international payments quicker and cheaper for both large-scale and consumer transactions.

Cyber yuan will help to track spending in real time.

China was the first country to print paper currency and now by entering in digital currency it will shake pillar of American power.

China is turning legal tender itself into computer code.

Bitcoin have predicted a prospective digital future for money, though they live outside the conventional global financial system and aren’t legal tender like cash issued by governments.

China has a long-established aim of internationalizing its currency; meanwhile, the digital yuan may help with this initiative by making it easier to motivate users in other countries to use the yuan.