Conundrum of Working Women in India : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 13/04/2023

Relevance: GS-1: Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

Key Phrases: Economic Model, Leisurely Activities, Employment, Labour Force, Time Use Survey, Women-Led Development, Disparity, Gender Equality.


  • As India aims for a women-led development model, time-use studies indicate the need to address gender bias in work-life balance.

The Importance of Leisure Time:

  • Leisure provides individuals with time and space to relax, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that bring joy and happiness.
    • It is a fundamental aspect of human life and is associated with better mental and physical health outcomes.
  • Despite the importance of leisure, it is typically overshadowed by topics related to work, employment, and labour force participation.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, work overload and job demands can lead to reduced job satisfaction, burnout, and other negative health outcomes for women.
  • Leisure time allows individuals to disconnect from their daily responsibilities and recharge their batteries.
    • It promotes resilience to stress, improves mood, and contributes to the development of social connections.

Working Women and Leisure Time Disparity:

  • Working women face a significant challenge in finding time for leisure activities. In addition to their professional commitments, they tend to have a disproportionate amount of domestic responsibilities, including childcare and housework.
  • This double burden can lead to time poverty, leaving women with limited time for leisure and other self-care activities.
    • A study by the University of Oxford found that women performed 60% more unpaid work than men, including domestic and care work.
  • The impact on leisure time for working women is particularly evident in a study that used data from a Time Use Survey (TUS) conducted by the Union ministry of statistics and programme implementation in 2019.
  • The survey measured the time spent by the population on nine major divisions of activities. The sample for the analysis comprised 257,677 individuals between ages 21 and 59 years, of which 126,134 were male, and 131,543 were female.
  • The analysis revealed that women who work spend significantly less time on leisurely activities than working men and women who do not spend any time on employment-related activities.
    • Working women spent only 8.7% of their typical day on leisure activities, while working men spent 12% of their time on leisure activities.

Addressing the Challenge:

  • The disparity between leisure time for working men and women can be reduced through policy changes that address the double burden of domestic and workplace responsibilities faced by women.
    • Increasing women's access to leisure could have far-reaching benefits for their well-being, their families, and the economy.
  • Recognizing the importance of leisure time in individuals' lives and the challenges faced by certain groups, such as working women, provides a foundation for more equitable policies and societal norms.
  • One way to reduce the pressure on working women is to provide them with greater flexibility in their work arrangements.
    • Flexible work hours or remote work arrangements can help working women manage their competing commitments better.
    • For instance, employers could allow working mothers to work from home or offer part-time work options. These options also benefit the employer by increasing employee satisfaction and reducing turnover.
  • Another policy change that can boost women's access to leisure is to offer affordable and accessible childcare services.
    • High-quality and reliable childcare services would enable women to pursue their careers and leisure activities without compromising either.
    • Investing in onsite childcare facilities can help reduce the burden of household responsibilities on working women, freeing up leisure time.

Role of Government:

  • Governments can also encourage the sharing of household responsibilities between men and women. In many cases, women bear the brunt of domestic responsibilities, leading to time poverty and reduced leisure time.
  • Policies aimed at promoting gender equality within the household would need to be crafted to ensure that men are encouraged and supported to participate equally in domestic responsibilities.
  • One such policy is paternity leave, which can encourage fathers to take more responsibility for the care of their children.


  • Leisure time is a vital aspect of human life that is often overlooked in discussions of work and labor force participation. Working women face significant challenges in balancing their employment and domestic responsibilities, leading to limited leisure time.
  • This problem can be addressed through policy changes such as flexible work arrangements, affordable and accessible childcare services, and promoting gender equality at the household level.
  • By recognizing the importance of leisure time in individuals' lives and the need for increased leisure time for working women, policymakers can improve the well-being of individuals, families, and the economy.
  • India needs to invest in policies that enable all individuals to have the time and space for leisure, especially those who face disproportionate demands on their time.
    • By doing so, it can create a more equitable and healthy society that promotes well-being and happiness for all.

Source: Live-Mint

Mains Question:

Q. What is the significance of addressing gender bias in work-life balance for achieving women-led development in India? Discuss (150 words).