China has responded to foreign sanctions through ‘Wolf Warrior Diplomacy’ : Daily Current Affairs

China has responded to foreign sanctions through ‘Wolf Warrior Diplomacy’

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In order to oppose new foreign sanctions, China started with ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy to prevent G7 member states from forcing upon new sanctions against Beijing under pressure from the US.


Wolf warrior diplomacy is an aggressive style of diplomacy adopted by Chinese diplomats in the 21st century, under Chinese leader Xi Jinping's administration. It is confrontational and combative, with its proponents loudly denouncing any criticism of China on social media and in interviews. Although earlier diplomacy emphasized on avoidance of controversy and the use of cooperative rhetoric.

It is considered as ‘great diplomatic philosophy’ of Xi Jinping. In the last two years Xi demanded its diplomats to demonstrate a ‘fighting spirit’ and take a firm stand on Sino-US relations and international challenges.

Ahead of the G7 summit, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed the Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions (also known as the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law).

It was done in reaction to concerns about forced labour in Xinjiang and the suppression of human rights in Hong Kong. G7 and European Union countries claimed sanctions on certain Chinese companies and individuals, after which Beijing imposed counter-sanctions on the countries in question.

The law aims to influence countries that are not as strong as the United States and the United Kingdom (such as Germany, Japan and other states that are reluctant to stand up against China) to consider the cost of Chinese counter laws and choose not to go along with US sanctions.

US and China relations are not getting better so China is avoiding all attempts of US that is trying to contain China.

Until gross violation of human rights will continue in China, no superficial changes in its form and style will regard Chinese premier as trustworthy and respectable and its wolf warrior diplomacy will continue to rise time and again.

But with the passage of the law on countering foreign sanctions, China made it clear that it will not step back in its confrontational approach. And this may provoke US to use more power and resources to fight against China.

However, despite being aware of what might be the consequences, China is ready to confront US with the passage of this law.