Anti Terrorist Squads dealing with organized crime and terrorism in India : Daily Current Affairs

Anti Terrorist Squads dealing with organized crime and terrorism in India

Recently , In Gujarat, the Anti-Terrorist Squad of the State Police has arrested a 55-year old Afghan national who had been staying illegally in Ahmedabad for the past 15 years. In another attempt the Anti-Terrorist Squad of the Uttar Pradesh police also recently said it has arrested two Chinese nationals from Noida for their involvement in a money laundering case.
The duo, including a woman, had allegedly used forged documents to open bank accounts from which money was used for criminal activities. The U.P. ATS had earlier issued Red Corner Notices and Blue Corner Notices against the duo. A Red Corner Notice is a kind of international arrest warrant for fugitives where Interpol requests its member countries to arrest or detain them, while a Blue Corner Notice is an enquiry notice.

This shows the role of anti terrorist squads in dealing with organized crimes as well as terrorist activities.

What is ATS :

Anti terrorist squads are special police force operating in indian States to counter the menace of terrorism. It aims at collecting and collating information about anti-national elements working in any part of the respective states .

It works in co-ordination with Central Agencies, like IB, RAW.

ATS also keeps in touch with similar agencies of other States.

It aims at tracking and neutralizing activities of terror-groups , mafia and other organized crime syndicates, and detecting rackets of counterfeit currency notes and smuggling of narcotic substances.

Functions and roles of ATS :

  • For security purpose, identifying sensitive places and developing contact points, where anti-national elements can make a place to hide/stay.
  • Collection and analysis of notifications. To establish coordination with other state units and central agencies etc.
  • To take action and perform the follow-up operations on any notification received related to presence/activity of any terrorist group in the state. To ensure and take action against those who provide shelter to such terrorist groups.
  • Monitoring the activities of organized terrorist elements who have contact with foreign intelligence agencies.
  • To take stringent and effective legal action against the mafia elements, agents, terrorists and any anti-national activities, which deal with smuggling of fake money, automatic fire weapons, money laundering, explosive substances, making it ineffective and helping other police units in taking actions in such cases.
  • Monitoring the information received in constant contact with the information department of the state and taking action on the receipt of any specific information.
  • Analysis of important terrorist incidents and analysis and compilation of prevalent prosecution.