A Renewable Energy Revolution, Rooted in Agriculture : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 27/10/2022

Relevance: GS-3: Indian agriculture, related issues and constraints; environmental conservation, environmental pollution and degradation

Key Phrases: Compressed Bio Gas (CBG), Stubble burning, Agriculture waste, Bio-energy plant, Polycrack technology, Torrefaction, Waste to energy plants, SATAT.


  • Recently, the first bio-energy plant of a private company commenced commercial operations in Sangrur district of Punjab.
  • It will produce Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) from paddy straw, thus converting agricultural waste into wealth.


  • In Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh farmers set their fields on fire to dispose of paddy stubble and the biomass.
  • It is done to prepare fields for the next crop, which has to be sown in a window of three to four weeks.
  • This is spread over millions of hectares and the resultant clouds of smoke engulf the entire National Capital Territory of Delhi and neighbouring States for several weeks between October to December.
  • This plays havoc with the environment and affects human and livestock health.

What is Compressed Bio Gas (CBG)?

  • Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) is the mixture of hydrocarbon gases and vapours consisting mainly of Methane in gaseous form.
    • It is produced by the decomposition of animal and plant waste.
    • It is purified and compressed for use as an automotive fuel and industrial application.
  • Chemically, CBG is the same as CNG — both are compressed methane — and have the same calorific value.
  • The difference is that while CNG is a by-product of petroleum, CBG can be produced from any biomass.
  • This makes CBG a commercially viable option as it can be directly used to replace CNG in transportation fuel.

Some measures by the government

  • The Commission for Air Quality Management in the National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) had developed a framework and action plan for the effective prevention and control of stubble burning.
    • In-situ management, i.e., incorporation of paddy straw and stubble in the soil using heavily subsidized machinery.
    • Ex-situ Crop Residue Management (CRM) efforts
      • The use of paddy straw for biomass power projects and co-firing in thermal power plants.
      • As a feedstock for 2G ethanol plants, feed stock in CBG plants, fuel in industrial boilers, waste-to-energy (WTE) plants, and in packaging materials, etc.
  • Measures are in place to ban stubble burning, to monitor and enforce this, and initiating awareness generation.

A project in place to counter stubble burning

  • NITI Aayog and FAO India are collaborating since 2019 to explore converting paddy straw and stubble into energy and identify possible ex-situ uses of rice straw to complement the in-situ programme.
  • The FAO in consultation with the public and private stakeholders published its study on developing a crop residue supply chain in Punjab.
    • This supply chain can allow the collection, storage and final use of rice straw for other productive services, specifically for the production of renewable energy.

India’s first privately owned bio-energy plant

  • A private entity Verbio India Private Limited, subsidiary of the German Verbio AG, got approval from the Punjab government in April 2018 to set up a bio-CNG project.
  • The entity will utilize about 2.1 lakh tonnes of a total of 18.32 million tonnes of paddy straw annually.
  • The plant is situated in Bhutal Kalan village of Lehragaga tehsil in Sangrur district, Punjab.
  • The plant will use one lakh tonnes of paddy straw produced from approximately 16,000 hectares of paddy fields.
  • Paddy residue will be collected from this year to produce 33 tons of CBG and 600-650 tonnes of fermented organic manure/slurry per day.
  • The produce will reduce up to 1.5 lakh tonnes of CO 2 emissions per year.

Alternative Waste to Energy technologies

  • Torrefaction: It involves heating straw, grass and sawmill residue to over 250-degree Celsius.
  • Polycrack Technology: heterogeneous catalytic process which converts multiple feedstocks into hydrocarbon liquid fuels, gas, carbon as well as water.
  • Landfill Gas (LFG) recovery: Methane gas is extracted from solid waste deposited in a landfill.

Significance of CBG from paddy straw

  • To mobilize 30% of the rice straw produced in Punjab, an investment of around ₹2,201 crore ($309 million) would be needed to collect, transport and store it within a 20-day period.
  • This investment is highly significant from an environmental perspective and has many benefits.
  • Environmental impact
    • This would reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by about 9.7 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalent and around 66,000 tonnes of PM 2.5.
    • The slurry or fermented organic manure from the plant (CBG) will be useful as compost to replenish soils heavily depleted of organic matter, and reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers.
  • Economic and industrial impact
    • Rice straw can be cost-effective for producing CBG and pellets.
    • Pellets can be used in thermal power plants as a substitute for coal and CBG as a transport fuel.
    • Straw from many other crops contains higher energy than paddy straw which could be more beneficial in future.
    • A 5% CBG production target set by the Government of India under scheme, “Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT)” can be met with only 30% of the rice straw produced in Punjab.
  • ‘Wealth from Waste’ and Circular economy
    • Farmers can expect to earn between ₹550 and ₹1,500 per ton of rice straw sold, depending on market conditions.
    • CBG valued at ₹46 per kg as per the SATAT scheme will be produced.
    • Paddy straw from one acre of crop can yield energy output (CBG) worth more than ₹17,000 — an addition of more than 30% to the main output of grain.
  • Employment generation
    • The plant will also provide employment opportunities to rural youth in the large value chain, from paddy harvest, collection, baling, transport and handling of biomass and in the CBG plant
    • It could also increase local entrepreneurship, increase farmers’ income and reduce open burning of rice straw.


  • The establishment of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) appears to be a win-win initiative in the form of environmental benefits, renewable energy, value addition to the economy, farmers’ income and sustainability.
  • This initiative is replicable and scalable across the country and can be a game changer for the rural economy.


Mains Question:

Q. What is a waste to energy (WTE) technology? Write about any two waste to energy techniques. How could WTE techniques be a sustainable solution to stubble burning and related issues in India? Explain with examples. (250 words)