A Comprehensive Approach To Competitiveness : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 02/09/2022

Relevance: GS-3: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources, growth, development and employment; Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.

Key Phrases: competitiveness approach, Productivity, demographic dividend.


  • The world has been closely watching India’s journey as it is on its way to becoming an economic powerhouse.
  • As a global economic force on the rise, the need of the hour is to focus on development strategies in light of the nation’s expanding aspirations.


  • A possible solution in this direction lies in the competitiveness approach. However, the word ‘competitiveness’ means a variety of things:
    • A larger market share,
    • A competitive exchange rate,
    • Exports, and
    • Increased foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows etc.
  • It is imperative to outline what we mean by competitiveness and how this definitional clarity can help us achieve our economic goals.

Indian Economy

  • The economy of India is a middle income developing market economy.
  • It is the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).
  • Since the start of the 21st century, annual average GDP growth has been 6% to 7% and from 2013 to 2018, India was the world's fastest growing major economy, surpassing China.

Exports vis-a-vis other aspects of the economy

  • Export success is one of the metrics that is increasingly linked to the concept of competitiveness. Exports and overall economic growth are correlated variables.
  • However, an issue arises when this correlation is mistaken for causation. Exports and overall economic growth do not have a direct causal relationship.
  • Yet, exclusive attention paid to export-led growth strategies prioritizes exports while inadequately focusing on other aspects of the economy, like local industries.
  • Despite being a significant driver of the economy, exports alone will not raise the general population’s welfare or standards of living unless they are given the same attention as domestic industry and other economic sectors.
  • Competitiveness strategies emphasize the need to improve performance throughout the entire economy, not only one particular aspect, like export-oriented sectors.
  • A larger competitiveness and growth strategy should focus on export success among other things, instead of a narrow concentration on exports. The emphasis should be on holistic ways to boost competitiveness.

What do we mean by competitiveness?

  • Competitiveness is defined in terms of productivity. By productivity, it is meant that a country’s assets and its available labour force are effectively mobilized in order to create value.
  • It is the value generated by each employee. It is not all about efficiency but uniquely creating value for citizens in order to achieve sustained growth and prosperity.
  • Productivity can be calculated as output per input, emphasizing input efficiency. However, it is not simply a matter of producing more using fewer resources.

Value creation and Approach to production

  • Value creation is primarily about meeting the requirements of various societal groups, whether they are consumers or producers themselves.
  • For sustaining prosperity, the task is to produce more of what is consistent with the social view, rather than taking the derivative approach of more output with less input.
  • A location-specific assessment of identifying enablers of productivity helps understand a region’s limitations and unique advantages that can enhance or blunt its competitive edge.
  • A more detailed analysis of competition would provide sophisticated policy suggestions for sustaining prosperity.
  • To understand how to make firms more competitive, the examination can be applied to smaller geographies and even down to the firm level.

Prosperity vis-a-vis industrialisation

  • The prosperity of a place is not determined by the industries in which its local businesses compete, but instead by how well it competes using its human, financial and natural resources.
  • Firms are crucial in generating wealth, and the productivity of a country is shaped by decisions taken at the company level.
  • The total productivity level of the country is influenced by several decisions made by the firm, including the industry it chooses to compete in, its business strategy, production process efficiency and value addition.
  • Therefore, it is critical to empower firms by giving them the tools they need to maximize the value of their offerings, move away from dependency on low-cost labor, and adopt innovative business models.

Forces influencing prosperity

  • One of the two fundamental forces influencing prosperity is labour productivity, which is measured by increases in GDP per employee.
    • On the front of labour productivity, India has seen significant progress.
  • The second factor influencing prosperity growth is labour mobilization, which India continues to face as a significant obstacle.
  • Between 2021 and 2041, the demographic dividend would provide India with its highest working age ratio, which we need to harness immediately.
  • Competitiveness emphasizes achieving sustainable prosperity by concentrating on making the available labour force productive and enhancing the labor force through inclusion in the labour market.

Demographic dividend

  • It is the accelerated economic growth that may result from a decline in a country's birth and death rates and the subsequent change in the age structure of the population.
  • With fewer births each year, a country's young dependent population declines in relation to the working-age population.
  • India entered the demographic dividend opportunity window in 2005-06 and will remain there till 2055-56.
  • This is the period when the working age ratio is equal to or more than 150% and the dependency ratio is equal to or lower than 66.7%, generally taken as the cut-off for the demographic dividend window.

Macroeconomic vs Microeconomic

  • Equal attention to a nation’s macroeconomic and microeconomic components further strengthens the competitiveness approach.
  • Both elements are essential to competitiveness and have diverse but complementary functions in the economy.
  • While microeconomic foundations focus on elements that immediately impact particular businesses and the labour force, macroeconomic variables take into account the larger social and political institutions and fiscal and monetary measures.
  • A combination of the two perspectives provides a thorough understanding of the economy.
  • Taking a holistic approach does not require simultaneously moving forward on all policy fronts.
  • The real goal is to develop a comprehensive agenda with top priority assigned to strengthening a nation’s unique and competitive position through a careful analysis of Indian competitiveness.

Way Forward

  • New guiding principles, new priority policies and a new execution mechanism should serve as a foundation for elevating India’s status from a lower-middle-income country to a high-income economy in the long run.
  • Given that India has become a viable geopolitical player, its economic trajectory significantly impacts not just Indian society, but also the rest of the world.

Source:  Live-Mint

Mains Question:

Q. While microeconomic foundations focus on elements with immediate impact, macroeconomic variables take into account the larger social and political institutions and fiscal and monetary measures. Elaborate. [150 Words].