A Brief History of India’s Fake Claims to True Happiness : Daily Current Affairs

Date: 28/03/2023

Relevance: GS-3: Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate.

Key Phrases: World Happiness Reports, Worst Performers, Environmental factors, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Environmental sustainability.


  • Over the past decade, a global survey has been asking thousands of people across the world how happy they are on a scale of zero to ten, in six distinct ways of being happy.
  • Their answers form the core of the annual World Happiness Reports, which have been a source of periodic unhappiness for many Indians.

Key Highlights:

  • India is consistently ranked at the bottom, among dystopian nations, unhappier than even Pakistan, which triggers special trauma in sensitive Indians.
  • For the sixth year in a row, Finland has been crowned as the happiest nation, Denmark is at number two, followed by Iceland at number three.
  • Worst Performers: Afghanistan was ranked as the unhappiest nation, followed by Lebanon, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, respectively.
  • India’s Performance: India ranks at 125th position out of 136 countries, making it one of the least happy countries in the world.
    • In 2022, India ranked 136th position out of 146 countries.
    • It even lags behind its neighbouring nations like Nepal, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

What is World Happiness Index?

  • The World Happiness Report is an annual report produced by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of happiness and well-being around the world, as well as to identify the factors that contribute to happiness and well-being in different countries and cultures.
  • The report ranks countries based on their levels of happiness, which are measured using a variety of factors, including social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption. The report also provides in-depth analysis of these factors and how they relate to happiness and well-being.
  • The report has been released annually since 2012, and it is typically released on March 20th to coincide with the International Day of Happiness.

Why India does not perform well in world happiness index?

  • Economic factors: Despite its rapidly growing economy, India still faces significant challenges when it comes to poverty, income inequality, and access to basic services. These factors can contribute to lower levels of happiness and well-being among the population.
  • Social factors: India is a diverse country with many different cultures and languages, which can create challenges for social cohesion and a sense of belonging. Social factors like discrimination, violence, and social unrest can also contribute to lower levels of happiness.
  • Environmental factors: India faces significant environmental challenges, including air pollution, water scarcity, and climate change. These factors can affect people's health and well-being, and contribute to lower levels of happiness.
  • Governance factors: India also faces challenges related to governance, such as corruption, political instability, and weak rule of law. These factors can contribute to a lack of trust in institutions and lower levels of happiness among the population.

Does world happiness index show the true happiness of the world?

  • The World Happiness Report is a widely recognized measure of subjective well-being and happiness levels across countries.
  • However, whether it shows the true happiness of the world is a subjective matter and depends on various factors.
  • On one hand, the World Happiness Report uses robust and reliable data to measure various factors that contribute to happiness, such as income, social support, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and perceptions of corruption.
  • The report also takes into account the cultural and societal factors that influence happiness levels, making it a comprehensive measure of happiness.
  • On the other hand, happiness is a subjective experience and can vary widely between individuals, communities, and countries.
  • The World Happiness Report cannot capture the nuances of happiness experienced by different people, and its rankings are based on aggregate data, which may not reflect the happiness of specific groups or individuals within a country.
  • Furthermore, the report's rankings are based on self-reported data, which may be influenced by social desirability bias or other factors, leading to an overestimation of happiness levels.
  • Overall, while the World Happiness Report provides a useful measure of happiness levels across countries, it should not be taken as the definitive measure of happiness for individuals or societies.

Way Forward:

  • To achieve happiness, governments and policymakers should prioritize policies that promote social and economic equality, as well as environmental sustainability.
  • Income inequality has been shown to negatively affect happiness levels, so policies aimed at reducing income inequality, such as progressive taxation and social welfare programs, should be prioritized.
  • Additionally, policies aimed at promoting social cohesion, such as universal healthcare and education, can also contribute to higher levels of happiness.
  • Environmental sustainability is also crucial for promoting happiness.
  • Policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable development can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment, which has been shown to positively affect well-being.


  • The World Happiness Report is an important tool for measuring the well-being of people in different countries.
  • While it has its limitations, it highlights the importance of prioritizing happiness and well-being in public policy.
  • To achieve happiness, governments and policymakers should prioritize policies that promote social and economic equality, as well as environmental sustainability.

Source: Live-Mint

Mains Question:

Q. Does world happiness report show the true happiness of the world? How can the pursuit of happiness be achieved, and what measures should governments and policymakers prioritize to enhance people's well-being and quality of life? Critically evaluate. (250 words).