Info-pedia : Dark Pattern

Info-pedia : Dark Pattern

Dark Pattern:

Deceptive practices in online interfaces, coined by Harry Brignul in 2010, manipulating users into choices against their best interests.

Categories of Dark Patterns

  • Forced Action: Coercing users into unwanted actions.
  • Excessive Data Disclosure: Requiring more personal data than necessary.
  • Interface Interference: Emphasizing options favorable to the business.
  • Nagging: Persistently prompting users for business-centric settings.
  • Sneaking: Adding hidden, non-optional charges at checkout.
  • Social Proof: Displaying others' purchasing activities.
  • Urgency: Imposing time pressure with countdown timers on deals.

Effects on Consumers

  • Erosion of autonomy and privacy
  • Financial and time losses
  • Psychological distress
  • Distorted competition


  • Draft Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023
  • "Dark patterns" infringement on "consumer rights" (Consumer Protection Act, 2019)