Info-pedia : Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC)

Info-pedia : Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC)


During the first gathering of the Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC) Society, there was a notable emphasis on the imperative task of delineating a "Bio-vision" for India.

What is BRIC?

The Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC) is an apex autonomous society operating under the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, in India.

Key Objectives:

Unified Governance: BRIC centralizes and unifies biotech governance nationwide by bringing together 14 Autonomous Institutions (AIs) under a common umbrella.

Research Excellence: Each of the 14 subsumed institutions maintains distinct research mandates while operating under a shared governing body, fostering specialized expertise and innovation.

Public-Private Partnerships: BRIC strives to drive advancements in biotech through dynamic public-private research partnerships, maximizing resources and expertise.

Sustainable Practices: Launching the "Zero Waste Life on Campus" program, BRIC is committed to promoting sustainability through integrated waste management across its campuses. This aligns with the Mission LiFE movement, reinforcing collaborations and serving as a model for community-wide waste management.

By establishing BRIC, India charts a course towards a comprehensive "Bio-vision," setting the stage for cutting-edge biotechnological research and innovation on a national scale.